Mass exposure deaths

Really? no deaths so far and now all of a sudden all 18(correction already 29in 15-20 seconds) children death from exposure??I got coats and linen cloths in storage…


Given the population of your town, looks like your firewood got pretty low there. Was every shelter stocked in the winter?

My firewood run out only 1 time for a very short time 3 years ago and that was only in storage all the houses were stocked with firewood.If you look at the time its early spring and the time was not cold or anything if i remember correctly.Its the second time this is happening.The other time was on another save and again with no apparent reason i got 20-30 deaths in a 20-30 secs window.

I’ve also had weird exposure deaths when it seemingly when i had alot of extra housing(but had 200+ firewood)… I figured it was just a issue of firewood not getting delivered to the houses but that normally only happened be immigration pop up happened right as winter started… apparently they freeze to death before they can get to the firewood to stock the houses

I suddenly begun to lose people in mass deaths. 100-120 per winter, with NO apparent reason. Just for the sake of doing ay OK in the game, I assume.
-This is an astoundingly annoying bug and needs urgent attention.

As a Northerner, we state that “weather is always nice, clothes matter.”
-Once every ten years some folk may die, sure. But having Grim Reaper suddenly visit every year long before winter sets in… it’s not OK.

Quite frankly, it seems like a punishment and makes me want to return the game.

Where are the villagers when they are outside about to die of exposure? What is their status if you select one of them?

Are there any other issues happening during that sessions? Ex. did Traders stop showing up? Or start of year events stopped happening?

Any details are helpful in addressing a potential bug.

Ìn my case nothing out of the ordinary happend as far as i remember.I am not sure if there were blizzard in the late autumn of the previous year or the one before but as far as i remember i never ran out of firewood.I would have noticed if traders didnt show up or missed events like livestock being born or something like that.From what i see in my screenshot villagers died in their houses and non of these houses are missing firewood.

Greetings, to answer the myriad of good questions;
-Villagers were all over the place, but vast majority dying right outside of their homes. Some also while at work.
(can’t state much of their status, though. there was a plentiful stock of all the clothes one would ever require, also piles of firewood)
-Traders came by normally, there was nothing awry save the people dying across the map.

If it will aid in yer puzzle, I can load up the failed session and see, how is their status.

The thing is, this begun out of nowhere. Dying from exposure was never an issue before. One moment, all was OK, the next people fell. It has to be a bug in the code.

I loaded the sorry settlement and observed the 170+ villagers perish in a matter of moments. Third autumn and winter in a row, when people seemingly forgot how to live.
-Villagers fell doing their jobs, children while walking. Some just stayed indoors and died there.
-Some houses were indeed empty of firewood, but there is a large stock of them in storage and other houses in the neighbourhood had a full stock.
-They had no illnesses, no indicators of any want. Diet was healthy and happiness near peaking.

Hope this aided.

Looks like issue is villagers wont enter buildings:

Later they died to exposure

Villager sees door
“That doesn’t look like anything to me”

Well when villagers die inside of homes, their bodies get ejected to the front door. So did you observe them standing on the front door and dying? Or were they actually inside at the time?

When I say status, I mean what is their current active “state” ex. Seeking Shelter.

If you have a save where this repeats, we would definitely like to see it.

This is actually a bug specific to the Healer and a few other buildings. As far as we can tell, it is unlikely it would cause mass exposure deaths. It is also fixed in v0.9.7.

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