Masteries overly complicated?

Masteries are pretty straight forward. There are plenty of points to use plenty of skills and have solid mastery investment as needed.

I wouldn’t say they are complicated. But I’d agree that they definately lack the distinct “strong character” they had in TQ.

You are making way too big a deal about this. There is 1 very good reason for this, and that is the appearance. It looks stupid when the projectiles shoot out the middle of your character when you have a gun on your right hand or left hand.

Even in other ARPG’s that shoot out the center of a character, they calculate collision. Whether they calculate it from your center or from your weapon, lining up a clean shot just as easy or difficult.

The only reason you are bitching is because you ran into a situation where the enemy properly lined up their shot, and you didn’t.

Correction, I’m bitching because it feels weird. And it is frustrating when you proc something while fighting a boss, only to hit some obstacle. Because, again, you lack the means to properly aim your shot.
I get it, it’s a somewhat advanced mechanic. But it feels out of place. Just imagine how this would feel in a more traditional RPG, where this would waste one one the three fireballs you can cast before resting.

It would feel like it should. I missed a fireball due to line of site. It still happened in old games, it just lined up out of your center instead of out of your weapon hand. There are times when things hit with this system, that would miss in previous games. Such as going to higher ground lets you fire over fences.

The only reason you expect stuff to go through walls, and line up straight out of your belly button is because older games did that. The old system was a compromise to make it easy for the developers and hardware. It is not what the game should be like in an ideal world.

To you, to me it makes a lot more sense the way it is now than the way you suggest.

And it is frustrating when you proc something while fighting a boss, only to hit some obstacle.

your approach does not address this either, it just changes where you have to stand for it to happen

Remember when this thread was about masteries and how they aren’t “traditional” so its confusing or not appealing :rolleyes: … GD frustrates me because this game isn’t like other games so I think I’m going to nitpick at stuff. Does anyone else find it annoying that I can’t stand in the fire, because you can in other games. Totally awkward and annoying mechanic. :rolleyes:

That’s true, I’m finding a lot of things that don’t feel right (and by right, I mean the way I know they usually work). That’s why I started this thread. In the meantime, I have discovered most people are ok with the particularities, so I guess they’ll grow on me too, eventually.

The line of sight only came up when someone suggested that we do have elemental casters, only they have to use guns. My point was not only it’s weird for an elemental caster to wield a gun (or two), but firing guns in GD is itself a little weirder than in other ARPGs.

Once again, for context, I have only got into GD after the official launch so I’m trying to get the feel of the community. It’s entirely possible this discussion has happened over alpha and beta builds and if that’s the case, I apologize for bringing it up again.


…thing with the masteries in Grim Dawn is that there are many ways that you can make different characters from the same masteries, it’s all about the skills and gear that you choose!

For instance, you can make a s&s retaliation based Warder, a ranged Primal Strike warder or a 2H Savagery Warder…they are all Warders, but completely different in their setup and all possibly equally effective

Choosing your masteries doesn’t constrain you to a certain character that you have to make, more-so, you should be choosing the gear and damage types to work with to gain the end output of killing stuff!

Basically what I am getting from the OP, from all the different things that annoy him, is he doesn’t like change.

I personally find it very enjoyable to learn new systems, as long as they make sense. This system makes sense for the most part. It is a little overwhelming with the amount of skills there are, but you do eventually figure it out.

It’s not that I don’t like change. In fact I enjoy GD so much, I have finally let go of Path of Exile. It’s just that more complex masteries mean a steeper learning curve and I was wondering whether people feel it’s too steep right now.
Then again, if 1,000 noobs tried GD and decided it’s too hardcore for their taste, they wouldn’t be posting here anyway.

And that’s exactly the feeling I got.

I wasn’t just talking about the mastery tree. Everything that was different than PoE, you didn’t like. Such as shooting from your weapon, rather than out the center of your body.

But that’s not different just from PoE. It’s different from any ARPG that I know of. And before I was told it was because of the hand holding the weapon, it wasn’t even clear that was the cause (hence my initial assumption that it’s just a bug).

My apologies for being an ass hat. Just annoyed when I see people come here and complain about trying to make this game feel like other arpg’s out there. I actually found this game by mistake and tbh find this way more enjoyable than any other arpg in years. Yes it quirky but that’s kind of the greatness about it. The game has a feel about it that’s not corporate you can tell Crate put their heart into this.

This game does have a big learning curve imo. The fun is figuring it all out on my own and when I’m really stumped I come here for help and tips. I’m not even remotely close to learning all the mechanics, but it sure is damn enjoyable for me.

The main reason why I love this game is each character is its own adventure. You could play a blademaster 2-3 times over focusing on different abilities (assumption not sure if there is gear to support that). The lack of a defined character that doesn’t follow traditional RPG’s is a nice fresh change. Part of the reason it’s easy to burn out on other games is it just the same thing over and over again just with a different skin.