So if things like the manticore eye are going to drop at a rate slower than my 2 and 4 year old kids learning to drive a car, can you please let us turn off leveling? I level up too fast even when trying to run around mobs to grind stuff like eyes. I will spend the time to grind the materials as you wish, but please at least concede to letting me keep a character at that level until I wish to move on.
Farm them in elite/ultimate difficulty?
I am trying to find the logic in this… I understand you want to grind for Manticore eyes… but … grind it for as long as possible, then move on. When you get to ultimate, you can grind it all the time then.
It is much easier and faster to farm them in normal and elite because you can run through mob packs without having to be afraid to get ripped to shreds. And if you want that level 60 or 70 relic when you are level 60 or 70, elite is the place to go.
Then, it is to grind for the longest amount of time possible, then when you get above the level of the manticore, move on.
I will say it will be highly doubtful they will implement something of the sort to “stop gaining exp”…
I want the eyes for a specific character so I can craft Eye of the Storm, and he is in act 1 of Elite. I feel like many of you feel ALL players will be in ultimate. I like to level multiple characters through normal, sometime elite, and unfortunately this game has a conflict: they want you to grind hardcore for certain mats like eyes, but they set the outlevel threshild so low you miss your opportunity very quickly. Telling me that I have to get to and survive ultimate is, IMHO, absolutely unfriendly.
And if I didn’t get enough eyes? I’m out of luck? That’s fun or reasonable?
I should be able to, in normal or elite, grind for mats and not worry about getting to a point where it is now impossible due to level differences. Players should be allowed to stay in normal/elite and ALWAYS have a place or chance to get mats needed for items.
I agree with lokiju. You don’t want mechanics that make people afraid to progress, that’s just not very good design. And many builds will not be able to make it to Ultimate but people may still enjoy them. Funneling everything to Ultimate all the time will limit the game a lot, it should be an optional challenge difficulty where people go when they have a really good build and really good gear.
I like grinding things but I don’t want to feel afraid to level or feel like I have to do all my grinding at one specific point.
Who said anything about ultimate only? I said when you get to ultimate, you can always grind them
And it is part of the game. You get to a certain level, monsters become useless to grind. Your best bet is to get to the manticores in elite, and grind them there.
You have just as much chance as any other player with RNG. Sometimes they drop, sometimes they don’t.
You can grind the mats on normal and elite, but you will still lvl the same. RNG is a nasty one.
I think this is a great idea, I also sometimes like to stay at a certain level and do some farming or whatever.
One of the reasons is that relative strength in Grim Dawn is pretty important, since everything scales with you. As example level 50 is often a major item powerspike and a good time to do some SOT runs, but if you level to 51 or 52 during that then your relative power (power/level) is already lower.
Which will influence your campaign playthrough once you switch to the “normal” gameplay again.
Dark Souls 2 added this after a long while and it added so much fun back to the game when you knew you would not enter the next tier of soul memory just because you wanted to try a new weapon (had to get it to level 10, or you were an archer and had to buy arrows or repair armor).
I think people are talking about the situation where rare materials do not drop after a 10 level difference.
This might be acceptable for general items like weapons, blueprints and armor, but crafting materials themselves should ALWAYS be available if the player grinds enough. You want to make manticore eyes drop at like .025%? Fine. But don’t give me a small 5 level window of opportunity to get them, which is a double slap in the face. It sucks to finally get a rare blueprint to drop, but to not even have a chance with that same character to get the mats without going up a difficulty level, and even at that, having to get to the same act content.
They made other mats interchangeable at Necropolis, and eyes are something they should also consider since there are numerous threads bitching about the same thing.
Or keep the drop change low, but let us get them at any level. Hell, it’s not like a level 60 player will go THAT much faster killing level 40 manticores than my level 41 toon, who also decimates the content. Let the character who needs the mats be able to get them with enough grinding.
Well, there is two options at the moment, since I do not seeing them up the ante for Manticore eyes.
Find your way to elite and grind them, or reroll a character to farm them on normal.
Maybe it will be an option later on
I agree. This Items not dropping after X levels is stupid. Extra stupid for special mats. Especially when things end up scaling with you.
Its really weird system they have built. I dont really get it. Mobs will scale to my level to increase the difficulty but they wont drop items (except the things to put into gear at a super low low chance to 0). Sometimes i even dont get xp from those mobs (i like that because i am not going to lower level areas for xp.)
Like farming the crystals. I would love to be able to jump to all the places that have those crystal spots and farm them without getting xp and the item dropping so i can respec my devotion if need be.
Another option i would love to see is if you could self transfer those crafting mats to other toons.
They could also not compound the issue by requiring insane amounts of eyes (3) for already hard to get Eye of Storm blueprints. There’s nothing like celebrating a great blueprint drop to find that you can’t even grind to get the mats in the current difficulty because they are impossible to get at your level. You shouldn’t have to change difficulties and run through the entire content again to get (a chance at) manticore eyes. That’s a broken system.
Once I get to manticores in elite, if I outlevel the content, then I either have to go through ultimate, or keep leveling characters to get 1 mat type. That’s just asinine.
Wait… how long did you farm for eyes? I got 3 eyes within a few levels of grinding?
And eye of the storm is a legendary blueprint… therefore it won’t be easy to find, then make it.
And then, if they implement what you suggest, Manticore eyes would then be over farmed, then making the legendary relics would be easy…
Kinda takes the challenge out of the game to get the best in slot relics.
But there’s a contradiction here. A high level blueprint requires a mat from an earlier and very small level-ranged area. If I find the blueprint in Elite beyond where I would get the drop to happen because I over-level the content, I would have to create a new character to go to Act 2 and farm or take the main character up to ultimate, which I don’t think should be required for mats. You would have to purposely farm for mats for every known item at an earlier level, which, even if you knew all that ahead of time, would detract from simply running through the story-line (and not be feasible anyways).
Yeah, it forces people to only play great builds which I think is terrible design, especially for a single player game.
Level scaling is already something you want to be extremely careful with. Level scaling is nice to make more areas of the game relevant, and that’s what it should be used for.
Diablo II never seemed to have a need for this (material drop limitation), why does GD? In DII, you can play plenty of low-viability builds because you never need to “keep up” with the game in any way. And there’s always something for you to look forward to regardless of where you are because things like runes still drop.
Which is the other problem. If you can’t transfer a set of the mats you can’t really roll a new character to get them. Which would have been fine if you could just farm them on the character that needs them.
it can only be one or the other… if they scale with you, stuff keeps dropping, only if you are 10+ levels higher do they stop dropping
That also means you can grind those guys for 20 levels or so, which should be more than enough