Melee Witch Hunter


I started a melee Witch Hunter.
I’m now level 45 starting in Elite mode.

I would like some input about my plannified build :

For mainly ST damage, i’m using Solae + possession chaos dmg coupled with the passive technic of dual wield (%WD passive skills)

For mobility and ST damage i’m using Shadow Strike & chaos strike

For AOE dmg i’m using currently Pox coupled with the devotion skill Guardians Gaz.

For support, the 2 health regen auras and different passive.

Those it sounds good to lead that way ?

On a side note, is someone got some general direction for the devotion skills / constelation that i could use ?

For the moment i’ve got :

  • eye of the guardian (guardian gaze)
  • Jackal (well mainly for the reward of the constelation)
  • Bat (twin fang, but i dunno if this life leach is usefull or no)
  • Solae witch blade (for eldrich fire but i’m lacking a spammable skill to use the effect, i putted the skill in Chaos strike)


So a little update, i’m now lvl 67 and i’ve finished elite without any major difficulities.

My current build is :

Devotion wise i’ve got so far :

  • jackal
  • lizard
  • viper (i dont like it but …)
  • eye of the guardian
  • eel
  • tortoise
  • behemot
  • dying god
  • solael’s
  • working on ghoul

Eye is now my primary aoe dmg, but i dunno if it will still be good in ultimate.
Though it’s not that hard to fuel it, and it does quite some dmg when it is.

I’had the luck to drop the receipe for Mistborn talisman on witch i putted eldrich blade !

I will farm a bit more to be lvl 70 and start update my gears before going in ultimate (need to up my resist)

Dmg wise i’m sitting with nearly +1000% of chaos dmg, witch is my primaly dmg form.
I think i’ll try to up a bit my vitality dmg to have a secondary dmg form till i’ve got nearlly +500% dmg in vitality.

Still, if someone got some suggestion i would be happy to ear it !

My Witch Hunter Build… Hope this helps…