Meme Time! Show us your silly builds :D

Is Rutnick Sorc meme enough? Did it like a couple of years ago with full Krieg but this fresh one has different pieces


Non-retaliation Acid Aegis Dervish - Dervish, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator


Ugdenbog rifle acid abb spam wh
Feels fun to play, but I’m not sure as to how viable it is since I haven’t tested it against anything challenging

Also somehow (through chaos conversion) both abomination arms here are usable

S&B Vitality Blitz Warder Warder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator


An embarrassing build I tried a long time ago…

Bleeding Duration Trickster

The max bleeding duration can exceed +900%, but that’s it. :laughing:

Constitution Death Knight

Unfortunately much of the Constitution has disappeared from the equipment, so it’s pointless now, but I tried in vain to somehow use “Miss Gazer Man” correctly.Even with SR 75-76 it is strangely not easy to die, but the offensive power was too low. :joy:


The recent discussion of Reap Spirits motivated a TC for Elemental spellbinder, specifically Reap Spirit.

SpellbinderElemental Pets (Reap Spirit, Skellies, Primal, BlightF, Gate)

~32% cdr build

  • Sustain: Dryad + Giant’s Blood.
  • Defensive Layers: Maiven’s, Omen, Mirror and MoT, and some fumble (devotion, possibly BF too)

Good item rolls should provide ~90% conversion = not much can be done about that. Pets have enough % damage, though, such that 10% conversion shortcoming is manageable.
(Max rolls on amulet and medal = 96% conversion vit->elemental …so there will be some loss regardless.)
(Max rolls on weapon = 99% conversion phys->vit…so some loss there as well.)


  • cdr build means 2.5s cd RS, 8s cd skeletons, 12s cd BF., but doesn’t benefit 2s primal and 1.8s gate
    *Ravenous (Dryad) and Ill Omen (EleStorm) will proc skill Primal Instinct and World Gate.
  • Main focus is the very durable Reap Spirits (elemental, cold)
  • Skeletons (elemental) proc Tsunami, which also leaves a DoT in addition to overload as skellies are expected to expire frequently. Ofc same source dot won’t stack.
  • Weak Blight Fiend (some elemental) drops Whirlpool for some long AoE, even if the BF dies quickly
  • Primal Swarms (elemental, fire) add some extra damage and elemental retal to everthing.
  • Gate (elemental) is just a bonus.
  • Ravager’s helm gives some extra RR (which basically amounts to adding 120% more pet damage)
  • general pet damage with everything active =~1300% + 200% elemental + even more dot%

It might theoretically need a slight bit of OA to avoid missing Omen/RE/Reap, which is as simple as moving some more points into Inner Focus. --although I recently asked Maya if anyone had run into low OA problems with similar pet builds and it seems to not be a concern…
Imho gloves are best fit even if they sadly top out at lvl 65!


Well now I do, and it’s surprisingly not as bad as I imagined it would be.

With zero cooldown on seal, you can basically cast it as you walk and always have one under you. 100% uptime on 430 damage absorption. The damage is anemic though, but in campaign it feels VERY solid.

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If only seal dmg could stack like sigils… :frowning_with_open_mouth:
Surprised they dont tbh

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Yeah, it’s a debuff, like Thermite mines…

Thermite mines don’t stack either.

They create an “aura” with an effect… more mines only creates a bigger aura.
Same with seals.

Both of these should stack IMO. Or at least have part of the damage separate from the debuff so it can actually trigger more devotions and stack that damage.

Nobody uses Thermite mines because they like it.

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Yeh I know.
Too bad they’re both auras. :frowning:

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Surprising nobody, the Skeletons died a lot, so the main focus for me was getting Reap Spirit Wraiths to do as much damage as they could as quickly as they could. The toon itself was fairly durable, although pretty prone to getting bursted down when Mirror + MoT wasn’t available.

The best part was that the Skeletons had this pretty blue aura when running around, so Spellbinder at least gets points for that. Not something I’d recommend, but a fun meme concept nonetheless.


Thanks for humoring me and testing the idea (again!). :saluting_face:

[Meme Build] Hardcore Ultimate Cabalist - The Caustic Edgelord

Looks like a functional build, but considering that it was meant to be based of ‘Dravis: Son of Uroboruuk’ (which I couldn’t even fully replicate) and uses mostly temporary minions, I think this played out like somewhat of joke.

I mean, what’s more edgy than expecting your friendly units to die in such short notice?


Cold Savagery + WPS & Wind Devils Trickster?!

Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeets go! :rofl:

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Silly dual vit. runes with butts…
Not the fastest toon out there but it works. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


…so I opened up this old build to see how the latest patch might have affected it.

33,139 regen :3


33k regen! Maybe I can finally retrieve the cannons from the conflagration. The legion will be pleased :joy: