In the game setup I turned off the religion thingo, then during the game found there were no relic sites on the map. Same thing with the resources and food. I reduced my iron as an experiment and had only two mines and three coal mines, only one of each was availaible below T4.
Good point: I concentrated more on trade and construction than exploration.
Bad point: Only 1 mine? Really?
Foraging and Deer hunting became ridiculous, I filled up my storerooms and root cellars so fast I was building a new one almost every 40 minutes of game time, and yet there still wasn’t enough food to feed my people. Farming became my major concern, didn’t get T3 until I had 7 farms.
Liking the new feature in the Foragers menu, I now have more medical and herbal supplies I can use for trade. Looking forward to see what the upgrade brings. Speaking of which, my one person brewery seems to hoover up my grain to the point my baker can’t get any, yet both are situated near the silos which are also near the grain fields.