Moar leveling derp ! remove conduit lvl requirement

leveling can be fun, and it can be fun to try out various or even silly builds during leveling
as such it was wonderful when we got a slew of MIs that had various effects, or just conversion, that made a plethora of derpy leveling approaches possible

to expand on that, and without requiring creating a bunch of new items, that then requires further balancing efforts, i suggest the following:

  • remove the lvl requirement on conduit

this, granted while obv potentially stupid powerful in some cases, (but hey we already have stupid powerful leveling MIs), would expand and give alt characters an even greater derp potential while leveling
it would also partially reduce that “oh but i can only play this build at endgame” some players at times feel, giving greater joy to those rushing to endgame for a build, or us slow-pokes that just like taking our time leveling

(or as an alternative, make a low lvl variant of conduit with same effects but lower stat scaling)

thank you for your continued work and consideration :pray:


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