Mobile player-scaled "pet" movement speed should scale with player movement speed

It would be awesome if Blade Spirit, Wind Devil and other mobile “pets” that scale with player damage bonuses have their movement speed scale with player movement speed. That way they won’t lag behind so much in combat and when traveling.

Do they skill with attack speed or cast speed, too? If so thatd be awesome and which one do I stack for storm totem?

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And bump, this idea is the tits! They should add this one in!

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No way to increase their speed at all, movement/attack/cast are all static, your speed stats won’t affect it, only damage stats.
From what one of the modders have said, there doesn’t seem to be anyway to change that as adding attack speed directly to the skill doesn’t work.
Here’s proof Asylum talking about a skill he made based off Storm Totem and as he says it’s essentially storm totem just different graphis:

Geez it would also be nice if summoned creatures could keep up.

As it is, this issue means most summons are almost useless; by the time your critter catches up to you and joins the very next combat, it also times out and dies. Go team.

Pets that scale with pet stats have no issue keeping up in fact the can out run you, it’s only the ones that scale with your own stats that don’t benefit frm speed

OK. My apologies if I’ve failed to grasp the mechanics under discussion and inadvertently commented in the wrong thread. Starting another thread in 3…2…1

Basically there is 2 types of pets
Actual pets who scale of pet damage/health/speed these are the following

[li]Hell Hound[/li]
[li]Rift scourge[/li]
[/ol] etc
These can have their health, damage, resistance and speed (movement/cast/attack) all increased through pet damage found on items skills and devotion

Then there’s suedo pets that scale off your own damage multipliers theseare

  1. Mortar
  2. Storm Totem
  3. Thermite Mines
  4. Wind Devil

these get damage boost from your own damage multipliers and even from you Cunning or Spirit or even have portion of damage converted to another type, however there is no way to increase the attack, cast or movement speed.

Both times can be commanded to attack certain targets or move (if they can move) to a certain location with the pet attack command.

Ah. I follow you now. I just disagree with you on the “easily keep up or out-run” part. My bad for hijacking the thread.

It’s quiet easy to get 80% total pet speed which almost caps their attack/cast/movement speed which matches your own possible max attack/movement/cast speeds

I still wish I could get that skill working as I wanted! It would have been cool, but aether dome was a pleasant experiment that took me a weekend to perfect… lol

If player speeds DID affect player scaling pets… thunderdome will be broken. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you mean by the extra domes cause lightning bolts to drop faster because there’s more of them attacking? :stuck_out_tongue:
And yeah I believe it would

Off topic but have you made any changes I haven’t seen any updates…

I haven’t uploaded them yet, I haven’t had time this week.