[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.2 Reuploaded

Damara the runewriter doesn’t offer NeoTec(enhanced) runeword (wizard’s electrocute one).

Thanks, I’ll note it for a future update, no more hotfixes for now.

Btw, 2025 has begun:


thoughts, prayers and unsalted butter in your general direction! can’t wait :slight_smile:


Aite, played a bit lately, so got some feedback(HC gaming btw);

  1. Resurrector (necro+wd) has extremely ludicrous skill bonuses from the typical pet affixes. Where other mastery combos get a bonus to one of their skills that they maybe are using, this monster is getting everything that’s juicy, every time. When my barb or wizard or monk would have an average of +2 skill point from a non-dual-rare item, a Resurector gets +4. And not to some random talent, but to the pet or a buff, which is like getting a skill bonus to one’s main damaging skill. I started naked and breezed through all the content, superbosses included, with no trouble. I sure do love powergaming, but this class combo would love some nerfs, either by changing affixes or weakening the talents they get from them.
    1. wizard; this is my favourite, playing it in and out for years now, although never into the very late game. One thing is troubling me though; the 3 armor skills; Ice armor, Storm armor and Energy armor, all being exclusive. Thing is, Energy armor is like 10x better than the other two. I can NOT imagine ever skipping flat absorb with cdr, not to mention all juicy energy/hpreg. Maybe if I’d be already unkillable AND the storm/ice armor would give dmg bonuses to its elements. But they don’t, it’s just a weakass damaing aura with oa/da/cc. Feels extra bad for all those items with a bonus to ice/storm armor… (unless I’m dumb and these are strictly for retailiation)

I’m looking forward to playing with this class, when will we screen in the mod?

By the way, diablo immortal has some abilities with mounts that are very cool to play with, would there be any possibility of us seeing diablo immortal mounts here in your mod in the future?

no, GD has a dinossaur engine, and no ETA for release yet, only after FoA

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Has anyone else here played with the Helltooth Harness set? I have spent some time playing with it and I have not seen the exploding beasts that are meant to come with the full set bonus. I assume it’s because they spawn on top of an enemy and instantly explode, but it would be nice to actually see one of these beasts charging at an enemy.

I love this mod!
But my language makes them all tags, how to solve this?

keep it in english

Funny, by reading your comment, I tried Ressurector (i dont play pets normally), and I got my ass obliterated so hard I deleted the char on lvl 30 with 7 deaths (I dont play hardcore, but I generally delete char after the 1st death, so kinda soft-hardcore). Truth, I played it in Grimarillion, but D3 classes are perfectly balanced and playable in there. Which summons have you been using in the early game? I went for maxed out zombie dogs + abomination and while they survived a lot, their dmg was absolutely unusable. I took every +pets dmg items and constellations I could.

  1. ‘played in grimarillion’-that’s a HUGE deal, it’s a different game than just a D3. I’ve did this on pure d3 (also in combomod, but it’s a different game too, with how much it changes things)
  2. I went skeletons, maxxed them, archers, maxxed them, then a golem (his aether dmg aura coupled with warden’s mace would add a ton of dmg), then get dogs, then the resistance+hp aura from WD, then maxxed necro, then maxxed WD.

Oh, so you started with Necro, not WD. I will try again.