[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.2 Reuploaded

Well, I’ve thought everyone who ever played with Occultist or Shaman would know that pets (even temporary, like Primal Spirit) scale with pet bonuses. The Totem of Plagues doesn’t. Sorry if I was wrong, this tip will be on pet skills description after next update.

Yes, all of them. Actually, I’ll review all the pet files to be sure that all pets have the “scale with pet bonus” option setted to true.

The GD’s Gargantuan is so physically different from Diablos one. I’m not an expert on creating 3D models, so I decided not to include it.

But if you look closely… :stuck_out_tongue:

So the totem doesn’t :frowning:

It was really not clear because on your SKILL_TREE.jpg, it says Totem of Plagues Spawn pet, it’s a bit deceitful :wink:

, it’s a bit deceitful :wink:

So are u stopping at these two or will u go further with the rest of d3 classes ?

i’m working on Monk now. It will be released by the end of next month.

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just a little preview of the incoming update for this mod: the hand crossbows and more!

It’s impressive! Possibly it’s an one hand crossbow?

BTW, my fellow Shirasumi translated your amazing MOD, and introduced on our JP Wiki.
Thanks and keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

Nice work with the translation :smiley:
I’m still doing some tests but yes, one handed crossbows are possible:

It’s just a rescaled crossbow using a one handed ranged weapon template. Nothing fancy afaik. Not to downplay your work Grimer, this is something I had an idea for not too long ago. :slight_smile:

Exactly, I had the idea after doing the small fetish warriors/shamans, but I was too lazy to do the same with crossbows at that time :stuck_out_tongue:

I see. In any case, a new element will play a game interesting. :slight_smile:
Keep up the good work!

I am currently testing different all the masteries on grimmest and the Witch Doctor is almost unplayable (compared to other classes). The spiderlings do nearly no damage and it looks like the stun does not work at all. The poison dart damage is okay but underwhelming.

So far this is by far the weakest mastery I started. I even ran out of potions and could not finish the first boss fight under the tree with this mastery, altough it had been “okay” up to “cakewalk” with all other masteries. I am testing the version provided with DAIL - no idea if this is up to date at all.

Edit: After reaching the zombie dogs and the zombie charger it is way better, but still the class is compared to the other masteries really weak in the first levels - might change later on, but the problem is if it feels to weak in the beginning it gets frustrating and people, like me, might simply play a different mastery.

Edit2: It is impossible for me at level 6 to kill scarscnout (grimmest) I never even get him below 80-90% then he regenerates full and I don’t do enough damage :slight_smile:
Edit3: In the charater selection screen it shows “Level3TagNotfound”.

Your comment made me play the WD yesterday. I defeated Karroz/ThallNosh on Veteran (vanilla), using Zombie Dogs (16), Poison Dart(16)/Spined Dart(12), Soul Harvest (16) and Horrify/Phobia (1). Soul Harvest gives a good sustain at higher levels if you cast it wisely (more enemies taken, more healing you get). Zombie Dogs have good damage, but not too OP, they need a pet build as any other pet. Poison dart deals 600/650 per hit, enough to kite an enemy not for too long.

It needs some changes; make Poison Dart pass through enemies, remove the delay of Soul Harvest’s damage, etc. But I don’t think it’s a underpower class, probably the other classes from DAIL are OP instead. Personally, I didn’t like Grimmest, the intention is good, but not for testing a new class, playing a mastery you already know with a new challenge is more like it. Just my opinion…

As I wrote (here or in your other thread) I have the feeling your masteries belong to the most well thought through masteries I have seen in mods so far.

Grimmest is actually the best to test masteries. Less to test them if they are “good enough” to beat a difficulty but to test it as comparison with other masteries both in the amount of damage you can deal to many minions but also how much damage you can sustain or how much crowd control you have. Obviously the difficulty increases by a lot. If the WD on Vanilla has sufficient AOE damage to handle a specific crowd on Grimmest it would require 2-3 times more AOE radius, pass through or damage to compensate the new requirement. More monsters means more hitpoints to remove from the screen. Especially when you play two different masteries back to back. There is less overdamage to be done and healing/resource cost become much more important.

The masteries in DAIL are definetly (!sic) overpowered. All but the Titan Quest Masteries which are (most of them) completly underpowered - (but only because they are bugged and the changes the original mod author made in the newest version have not made it into DAIL yet).

However, to maybe clearify that. The both masteries are a bit underwhelming compared to the vanilla masteries which I compared them with as well. And I am only talking about the very first level of the skills! I tried to do the very same run with all the 30 masteries in DAIL including the vanilla ones. The vanilla ones aren’t that weak at all.

What I recommend is less a damage overhaul for all the skills but buff the very low end of the skills (level 1). A good balanced hack&slay should give you the feeling “WOW - new skill” when you learn it. This power may ammortize over the time you play a class - you get items, other skills and can begin to compensate for problems. But if the very first point in a skill, e.g. spiders, feels really shitty I won’t play around with that skill much more, even if on 12-16 it becomes really strong (and I have not said that but I love how you make those skills change on max level. This is brilliant and I hoped more masteries would do that).

Your changes sound brilliant and exactly what it needs. Also I suggest to improve the spiderlings in terms of quality of live. Remove/increase the summon limit a lot, such that you don’t loose spiderlings because you spam the spell. It is absolutely okay if they live shorter such that the amount of damage stays approximately the same - it is just annoying to have to watch out how many spiderlings you have active if you don’t have any UI counter for it. If I can turn off my brain and spam it without loosing damage that is good - as I invest additonal energy to do that. And yes - that is had been horrible design decision in Diablo 3 which I have played more than enough to know :smiley:

Thanks for the tips, Nox! This is just the first version, it didn’t get any update yet, like Demon Hunter did. Improvements are needed, feedback like yours helps me to do it so. The “Special Skills” idea will be available for all the 3 classes on next update. I hope to make good changes on them :smiley:

Thanks for the tip, it’s way easier indeed. Just finished the first Set:

Shadow’s Mantle

When it comes to balance, be sure to tweak towards ultimate and not the difficulties before this one. Veteran can be unbalanced as much as you wish, but when it comes to Elite and Ultimate you should have something that doesn’t feel OP without much investment. That’s how Crate does it and that’s how Cornucopia does it, so I think it’s a good thing to aim towards this kind of balance.

With all that said, your “porting” work is insane and we can only congratulate you for it. God speed dude.

Thanks for the words, man. I’ll review all the classes carefully, hope I don’t mess’em up after all.

First, thanks for the work Grimer! The mods are awesome. :slight_smile:

I’m wondering if you or someone else could point me to how to make the non permanent pets show up like the Zombie dogs do on the left side (with the HP bars, like a “real” pet does). That way I would know when one of my spiders pops, and I can summon another. I tried changing some of the UI options around to display them, but that isn’t working.

Thanks again for the mods. They rock!