[MOD] GD-DPS: The "Grim Dawn Data Patching System"

Just updated. The new release include an important new feature I call “User Text Patch” or “uTXTp” to coin it with another “what-the-heck-does-this-mean” style acronym. :upside_down_face:

Simply put, it allows for the creation of simple .TXT patch file that can target any DBR entries. Note that this is now a core functionality of GD-DPS meaning that, with only the standalone version of GD-DPS (which is only 1.1 MB in size) patching is now possible.

Starting from a fresh/clean installation of Grim Dawn any DBR modification can be applied to the game database in a manner of minutes (2~5 minutes depending on the system processing power). It also leave a rather small footprint as only 2 GiB of free storage space is required to generate the backup source on the initial run.

Some example text patch are provided with either the “GD-DPS + EU Lite MOD” or the “GD-DPS Only” package.


Could you please make some alternative link to Nov 12 GD-DPS only because I think it’s only on Nexus and it’s under quarantine.

It’s also on moddb my guy :wink:

Only full version whereas on Nexus there’s a quarantined 1MB download :wink:

Yes. That is a good idea. I’m going to make a link to the standalone “GD-DPS Only” package on MODdb.

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An update is available. Read the main post or the Readme file included with the download for important uninstallation instructions.

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A new updated is available mostly to fix a critical error affecting ‘Dawn of Masteries’ 1.2.6a compatibility patching. If you do not play with ‘DoM’ then there is no major changes in this release.

See the main post for details.

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Hi, does your mod work with the latest GD update

Sorry about the delay, I was in the process of updating my system with a newer OS and it took much longer than anticipated. I will start working on an update immediately…

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OK, so preliminary analysis of unpacked files show various changes to gears and player skills as well as what looks like some new visual effects. There are only 3 minors update to the map that I will need to address but the current GD-DPS version should work fine. Just need to force installation when it reports that version cannot be located…

I will upload a properly updated version of EU Lite MOD probably tomorrow.

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A new update is available and with it come a (somewhat) requested feature… Well, OK, one person on the Nexus forum called ‘womandark’ asked that an extended UI feature be added to EU Lite MOD so it can now be played with “Grim UI X-Mod Hoarder”, the UI that comes with ‘Dawn of Masteries’.

Many efforts where put into this version to try and eliminate weird edge cases problem some player where having. It is just fascinating how someone’s system configuration, because it deviates from the platform I test and develop on, can throw a monkey wrench into an ordered and precise hand crafted machine like GD-DPS… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Just updated. If the installation of GD-DPS did not work for you with the previous version, give this one a try.

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Work on an update for Grim Dawn version is in progress…

In the mean time, installing the current ‘EU Lite MOD’ version should not pose major problems. Preliminary analysis of Grim Dawn changed files from previous version ( show edition to a few items, two bosses voices parameters alteration, some new files and some changes to the world levels and, possibly, minor map layout changes as well.

Anyone concerned with possible problems due to the map editions done by Crate can rename or delete the ‘EU Lite MOD’ package “Grim Dawn EU Lite MOD - Levels Sounds Fixes.GD-DPS Package” prior to launching the GD-DPS installer.

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An update for Grim Dawn version is now available. See main post.

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Hello to you and thank you again for the mod, sorry for my approximate English, but I go through google translation.

IF I am writing to you it is to inform you of a bug, indeed since the update of your mod it conflicts with the inventory of Dawn of Mastery indeed the mod acts as if it were the vanilla inventory and not dawn of mastery and in addition to top it all the objects are sometimes stored outside the inventory, making it impossible to move and recover them

I tried reinstalling the game cleanly and emptying the folder well before reinstalling the vanilla game and GD-DPS, but the problem is not solved, I’m sorry to bother you with this and wish you a good day.

Hello Lugdunum,

I need more information concerning the way you installed ‘EU Lite MOD’ and play Grim Dawn:

1 - The problem you are having with the inventory appearing “out of place”, is it when you play with ‘Damn of Masteries’ active, without it (default game) or both?

2 - Have you tried clicking on the reorder inventory button present in the character inventory window and stashes?

3 - Did you install ‘Grim Dawn EU Lite MOD’ with or without the “Grim Dawn EU Lite MOD - Import Grim UI X-Mod Hoarder.ahk” script?

I’ll wait for your reply…

Hello to you

  1. It is with dawn of mastery that the problem appears, I do not use any other mod and it’s only when i activate dawn of mastery

  2. I just used the reorder button and it works temporarily, but it doesn’t prevent the problem from persisting as soon as I pick up items

  3. This time the script “Grim Dawn EU Lite MOD - Import Grim UI X-Mod Hoarder.ahk” did not appear during neither the update nor the clean reinstallation and before when there was this script in the previous updates, I ignored it with a “no” and it was going very well

Sorry if my explanation seems confusing, I explained as best as I could.
edit:To finish dawn of mastery has not yet had an update from that of Grim dawn EU lite MOD

Hi Lugdunum,

I did some testing with ‘Dawn of Masteries’ installed with all EU Lite MOD compatibility patches applied as well but I could not reproduce the problem you are having with inventory and items misplacement.

However, I do remember a while ago shortly after DoM was updated to v1.2.+ from v1.1.x that several ‘old’ DoM characters that I had created for testing purpose had a similar issue. Here is a link to the ‘DoM’ forum page showing a comment from someone with the same problem…

For me, the only way of ‘fixing’ this issue was to start over with a new character. Now, I did not mind much because I do not play with DoM.

So, just for the sake of testing, could you create a new character and see if you have the same problem?

Note: All testing I did were with DoM v1.2.6a, the latest as of this writing.

Hello, the problem persisted even with a new character, so I uninstalled grim dawn and purged all files having carryover there before redoing a new installation, so I modified certain choices during the installation and I am pleased to announce that it works, I’m sorry to have disturbed you and wish you good luck and thank you again for this mod, keep it up :wink:

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I don’t know why but DoM is not getting extracted thus none of the patches are working. Latest GD, DoM and DPS. Install from scratch with clean folder.

Attached GD-DPS.log

It’s weird coz few days ago it was working fine.

GD-DPS.zip (26.2 KB)

EDIT: After some digging I’ve noticed that latest version of DoM doesn’t contain templates.arc and that’s why mod is not getting extracted.

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