[MOD] Grim Dawn Reborn

Nothing added, just made it work properly with the latest version of GD.
[MOD] Grim Dawn Reborn 3.0_for_GD1214h1.7z
Usage: Unzip to Grim Dawn\mods\


Thank you very much…

If Fangs of Asterkarn DLC or other DLC and versions/hotfixes will be released, will be GMR updated or maded it work properly with further latest versions of GD?

This skill not working.

The problem has been fixed and uploaded. Please download again.


is that purely from camera angle change, or did you alter/do something to the character stance? :thinking:
feels like it’s standing deeper bent/lower down and legs wider apart

No, this is just a correction of the old version of the action file. The screenshot perspective is an arbitrary rotation achieved by DPYes in conjunction with GrimCam.

It is not a person, but a pet. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Is there some kind of a video overview of this mod, or video of the gameplay?

To make a video of everything in it I guarantee that it would take a long time, many things changed and added to the entire skill tree, additional pets in all classes, additional in the tree of devotion … Although it is a small mod it is very complete , the guy who created this mod is a genius … It’s impossible for someone who plays Grim Dawn to play this mod and not like it.

Thanks. Do you know how balanced this mod is? Are you oneshotting all the monsters, until a boss oneshots you? Or is it similar to regular Grim Dawn?

In ultimate mode the amount of monsters is a little more than in vanilla mode, but this is rewarded with the new abilities, I would say that with a good build you can play smoothly in all modes with well-balanced fun.

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It’s linked on the Nexus Mods page for Reborn 2.0 in the OP.

This mod blew me away when I finally found it on the forums. I missed it when it actually worked and the creator was updating it.

Thanks for getting it to work @tt300! :partying_face:


I don’t know if it is possible to fix it, but I found an Affix error.(Venomflame)


You can copy lux_prefix.txt->luxtag1=Venomflame to tags_lux.txt and then pack arc and try.

It worked! :innocent:

Text_JA.arc.zip (64.0 KB)
I merged all the txt files into one tags_lux.txt. Can you try it and see if there is any problem?

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I have played with it a little and it seems fine.

*There was one error, but I think it was a mistake during the work, so it is not a problem. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

tagGDX1SuffixB106_Sh_A={^G}オブ インポージング プレゼンスtags.txt

Also, in my personal opinion, item_tags.txt is a color set for some equipment in the base game, but it is missing some equipment and affixes compared to the base game file, probably because the mod has stopped updating in the middle of the game. This is not a problem if you are using a separate rainbow filter, in which case this file is not needed in the first place and may be deleted. For that reason, I think it is better not to merge only item_tags.txt.

I don’t know where you quoted these two lines from, and where is it displayed in the game?

The Japanese translation of the base game has its own English skill name added to the beginning of the skill description, but the description for “Leap Slam” has not been changed, so the name “Blitz” appears. For this reason, I decided to add a description with the English-language skill name changed. :sweat_smile: