[MOD]New Caravan & Inventory (Nostalgic version) Apply to GD v1.2.0.5 (GDX2)

Is this working with

MOD is awesome, works in regard to increasing the storage space and you can actually pay symbolic iron shard amount to expand it to the max. Thank you for making it !

…although, as reported by Rujan_George - monster totems do not spawn in latest ( version; I also get the impression that overall quality of drop is significantly lower than before applying the MOD (but that can be my poor luck :wink: ).


MOD does no longer works after latest patch

101th question about it… :slight_smile: Can someone explain how to merge this mod with the original GDX2.arz file or paste a link to any good tutorial? i have no idea how to use assetmanager to merge (or how t ocreate a basefile arz) extracted files from mod with gdx2.arz.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

You’ll find many guides on how to use the modding tools here

Hello. Yees… “use google Luke”. I already checked this section of the forum before and found nothing. Lot of people asking about it. It has to be very easy for someone who knows the asset manager, so I would ask for help from such a kind person or a sdirectly link to something like that. Thanks. :slight_smile:

works with 1.7.2, works in campaign, monster shrines working too. btw background texture from 1.6.0 looks much better

how do i integrate this?
i tried it and even tried to learn all this modding just for that, but as a newbie, i really dont know how to merge these files. currently i am on the version and if i download this GDX2.arz then i have issues with the totems. they wont spawn at all. please update this or tell me how to do it on my own… i love this mod so much

So how far are you in learning to mod ? :wink:

Download the 9mb file, unpack the arz, unpack the vanilla GDX2.arz, copy the mod files over the vanilla files, build a new arz, copy the .arc into resources (assuming it is not using the name of an existing .arc, otherwise do the same for the .arcs that you did for the .arz files :wink: )

well, i had to reinstall grim dawn because i managed it to destroy my whole game due to this modding … x)

i downloaded the 9mb file,i tried to unpack the GDX2.arz with the archivetool.exe and the CMD console. well i managed to extract those files. but thats it. now i dont know how to compact them again. also i tried to do that with the AssetManager.exe to unpack my whole game (at least that is what i thought i would do…). seems like it doesnt work for me at all. it jsut unpacks the “database”, “resources”, and the “mod”. there is another empty folder with “source” and i guess thats the thing i need? right? i am totally confused with all this. telling me to unpack and then overwrite the existing is easy said if you know what to do :smiley:
please help me out… :confused: i tried it like the whole day and cant get it working and its hard to find informations about it

Sooo, i managed to merged those files (finally). so for everyone who is still interested in this mod and also wanted to play on the new updated version, here is the new file for the MainCampain. just copy and paste in your main directory. make sure to backup your original GDX2.arz file.

New GDX2.arz for

Thank you for this explanation !! I’m a lottaholic and realized I needed larger safe boxes, but didn’t want to restart just because of that so you helped out making it work with Grim UI X-mod. It somehow unticked the In Mod (3) box though so were scratching my head a while as to why my safe boxed stayed saved but not loot I picked up and was in my backpack. Finally spotted it been unticked and now got it all working ! But, without your post in the first place I would never have figured out how to install the mod in the middle of the game, so once again, Thank You ! :clinking_glasses:

Does this still work for 1.1.8 ?

i updated it to the current version:

New GDX2.arz for

but i can’t promise that everything is working, since i don’t have time to test it out. let me know if something doesn’t work

many thanks for your good work @jeez …works perfectly !

we hope , you continue this in future crate updates …:slight_smile:

haha i will try to. once i had that mod installed, i wasnt able to play without it anymore :smiley:

so i know the struggle to switch back to the normal inventory

thanks jeez for fixing this mod :slight_smile:

does anyone know how i can edit the graphics for this mod tho? I was using the old version because that whited out glare in the inventory of the newer version is absolutely hideous, but since installing this new update that lets the totems etc work with the mod its forced me over to the new version and its… oh dear, im struggling with it lol.

how can i access the image that is being used as the backdrop to my stash and edit it in photoshop? ive tried unpacking arc files etc and i just dont understand what im looking at and i cant find anything i can recognise as an image file.

Works fine with newest update (, just re-apply the mod :smile:

Isn’t working.

Not been updated for 18 months so …

This is a custom Mod, which is still applicable to “Isn’t working.” means you have not installed and used it correctly,

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