I remember in ye old days of Grim Dawn, items like Scrap Metal could not be put into the shared stash. That was changed, but the entries to make similar things should be possible right?
Apparently not?
With these settings, an item like Scrap Metal or Dynamite or any other crafting materia should be able to be acquired via a shop or script (how I’m doing it), and that works. However… they are still able to be put into a shared stash? That’s not what I want… so I figured okay, lets check the template, maybe for some reason the template doesn’t support that at all anymore.
Sure enough, I was right. I changed the template to ItemRelic (component), and it works now! Cool! However… using the button to slurp my components from my stash into the shared stash works for this item. Not cool. So this is a no go as well… I tried ItemCharm template, not really sure if this is used in GD, it has a unique tag (Crafting Supplies), but I don’t recall seeing this. Anyway, it doesn’t work either - same thing. Game thinks it’s a component, sucks it up when you push the vacuum button.
I did eventually find a template that works (parchment), so I’m not really looking for a solution or a fix but I just felt it was odd that the questitem template that these variables were originally created for, does not work with these variables anymore.