For benefit to build diversity, I think half of the frostburn damage should be poison damage in Amarasta’s Blade Burst, while half of the flat acid damage in Lethal Assault should be cold damage.
Also, there is only 1 legendary 2h ranged weapon has cooldown reduction. I think The Northern Wyrm should have cooldown reduction instead of casting speed, it is clearly a weapon for ABB.
Yeah, I was really bummed when I decided to go for a chilling xbow build using NB and 2 days later the change to LG happened, which I did NOT see coming.
I had a Pierce/Cold 2H sword Blademaster that used Lethal Gambit as my LMB skill and Shadow Strike on my RMB, and I was waiting for the day that Crate would rework Lethal Gambit so that it become a bit better, but now, instead of making it more useful, it literally destroyed my Blademaster, as I was mostly Pierce focused. I even went for the Blades of Nadaan constellation for that 100% armor piercing conversion to make the most of it, but it all went downhill with Amarasta now not supporting Pierce anymore… I really hope that they bring the Pierce damage back, or else I’ll just delete my Blademaster and never touch this skill again.
I think half of the cold damage in ABB changed to pierce, half of the frostburn damage should be poison damage in Amarasta’s Blade Burst, while half of the flat acid damage in Lethal Assault should be cold damage should be pretty good.
Isn’t the big problem just that acid is completely useless right now? You’re always better off having something else… and even if your skills have acid damage, the poison damage part of them is what you’ll actually use.
If they would introduce another class that uses acid primarily I’d understand the change, but as it is now the skill is just really too bad.
I’m not fond of the new LG/ABB node either. The skill already took a big hit when they removed the %hp damage, but now it just sucks and isn’t fun to use anymore.
I don’t know what acid is doing there, specially when it’s to replace friggin pierce damage. And now that Blood of Dreeg gives flat acid damage, it’s not even useful for acid witch hunters.
Now that %hp resistances on bosses got reduced, maybe the old LG could work?
The dual blade line’s Nidalla’s Hidden hand synergy well with acid damage. Occultist’s Blood of Dreeg also gives a good amount of acid damage. 1/12 ABB/lethal assault is good and useful for some builds using these skills.
I believe non-caster acid witch hunter would definitely at least 1/12 ABB/lethal assault.
I think the issue is that the current ABB is more interesting to go with 2h ranged but then lethal assault gives flat acid damage, while there are very few 2h ranged weapon focus on acid damage (only 1 epic and 1 legendary xbow).
It would be really nice if Zantai or any dev could drop by to say something about this, because the Pierce damage removal made no sense to me and the only thing it did was to make me remove every skll point on it… :undecided:
Well I for one thinks it makes sence. I play pierce myself and I already have so many skills and buffs that can benefit me. I’m perfectly fine with nightblades having an active skill that’s the for other damage types. That’s sort of what it was missing. I can live with the fact that there are skills in my class meant for other builds then mine.