My character does not load game

Basically, I have 24 characters, of which 4 I can’t start the game, because when I start them, the loading screen simply sends me back to the main menu of the game. This happened after updating to the latest patch on Steam.
Any way to fix it? since they are very good characters the truth =(

Let me guess, those 4 have non-english characters in their names?

yes, I hadn’t noticed but it’s true lol… and now? :sweat:

Not sure if this is an official and recommended solution but if not using cloud saves changing the names in GDStash should work :thinking:


What tqFan said. Sadly, this seems like the only option. Why this situation is the case? In two words, the game wasn’t supposed to allow non-english symbols in character name, but for whatever reason it did. An update from 1+ year ago somehow broke this “crutch” and since then chars with such names can’t be loaded.

I would give a link to the post, but I simply can’t remember where and when I saw it. But it was from Zantai himself, I believe.

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Ok, I understand, and thanks to both of you for clarifying my doubts, unfortunately the process of using GDStash seems too tedious for me, so I’ll just wait for the bug to be fixed in future updates. Thanks again, bye.

You may want to figure out GDStash, because non-english characters are invalid for save files and it was really a miracle they worked at all.

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Yes, the truth is that the situation is curious, with the 4 I was able to reach lvls 86. Thanks anyway.

Changing the name via GDStash is easy to do, so why throw away the characters you are clearly attached to?

  1. Download from the link shown in my screenshot. This is the easiest one to install. The other links require you to also install java but the one indicated relieves you of that burden.

[Tool] GD Stash < Click to go to GD Stash’s thread.

  1. Once installed fire it up. You will first see this… hit OK.


    Then you will see this screen…

    Scroll it down…

    …to reveal the “Import database” option hiding there. Click it. Give it some minutes to complete its task. When it’s done click the “Save settings” button for good measure.

  1. Now just click the Char Editor tab and select one of your characters from the dropdown list…

    …then change the selected character’s name, then press the Save Char button.

That’s all there is to it. You’re done.


Hey thanks for the tutorial, it served me wonderfully, I was able to recover my characters. Thank you very much indeed and thank you all for responding.

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