My concerns about the Allagast's Masterpiece set

So, judging by this post made by Zantai the Allagast’s set is recieving some sort of “improvements” (either from the Arcanist mastery buff or from some set tweaks, idk). But I actually want to see this set redesigned completely and I figured I’d share my thoughts on how I want this set to look like in the upcoming FG DLC.

  1. Let’s be honest the Storm Box of Elgoloth is a BAD skill for any kiting build, due to how it works. Imagine running from two Reapers and Valdaran or smth and you have to target the right enemy with the box and stay pretty CLOSE to this enemy, because the Tether can brake, if you run to far away. On a KITING build. My suggestion is to make this set focus on Word of Pain instead (adding the rr and the conversion). Using WoP as a debuff on a kiting build is much more satisfying and doesn’t actually require you to stay close to the enemies.

  2. Change how conversion works on this set. I think that is should be more AETHER-lightning, than LIGHTNING-aether. My idea is to make this set convert lightning to aether and cold to lightning on TSS. This way the cold DoT in the frozen core will be actually useful. I don’ t think that this change will interfere with the % lightning damage on Shattered Star, because the conversion from a skill modifier happens after the % damage is added (pls correct me if I’m wrong).

I’ll just point this out. Grim Dawn has a main game, and it is not Crucible. Crucible is just an add-on and it has it’s own balance system. If Crate would be stupid and would do everything Crucible players want, the game would be rather unplayable.

I just want Crucible players to stop looking just at themselves. You’re basically thinking that Crucible is the main game and there’s nothing else aside of it. Sure, Storm Box does have fucked up casting, but it doesn’t mean it has to be balance around Crucible. In the main campaign, in case you don’t know - it is not Crucible, the casting doesn’t really matter that much. Heck, even look at Seal of Corruption, the skill it grants works almost the same way (I think there’s even one skill that works the same way, not sure).

So please, before talking about a change, think about the main game, which is not Crucible.

Now, something about kiting. It’s kinda funny how you mention a kiting build has to have multiple skills to kite. The more skills you have to cast, the more time you waste and the less you kite. Casting speed doesn’t matter at all here. I kited with AAR today, and even though I have ~187 casting speed I did not have enough time to land two skills. I could do that, but I was getting hit after the second skill. So your point with having multiple skills to kite, even if it’s a debuff, has no sense. There’s almost no time to cast more than two skills if you’re chased in Crucible, I did play it before we had 170 waves and I know how it works.

And, by the way, Crucible is not the main game.

You just have to apply WoP one time and you get some “free” time to kite. With the Box you need to do it constantly.

Ok. Imagine you are running from two Reapers and Valdaran in a Shattered Realm…

Or, just accept that you have to give up the damage from the tether in some circumstances.

Even if we are using the Box for rr, it still lacks aoe and the way it bounds to one enemy reduces it’s aoe potential even more.

I actually like that set and storm box is my favorite skill in the game.

If there’ll be a MAIN QUEST to do IN THE SHATTERED REALM, it will be the main game. Currently (and as far as I know), it is only IN the main game, but IT IS NOT the main game. Shattered Realm is not a main game because you don’t have to do it, you can, which is totally different. If you’ll now say that farming is not the main game, I will agree with you because in farming you get stuff like Nemesis monsters, which, again, are not the main game as you don’t have to beat them in order to finish the game.

Main game is basically doing everything quests allow you to do, so any kind of farming, be it Crucible, Shattered Realm or any other type of farming is not the main feature of the game. And please, stop trying to push additions as the main features, because however you’ll try you won’t make them part of the main game, unless Crate decides to do so.

but you have like 0.4 seconds recharge with the set and plenty of other aoe stuff.

Currently, if you want to play an Allagast build, you need to use both WoP and Box. This constant casting limits the build’s kiting potential.

Define “need” :stuck_out_tongue:

Aether is my favorite damage type in GD, so I also care about Allagast and actually want to make it comfortable to play.

Storm Box has found it’s place in lightning builds already.

Ok, I have a question then. How can the changes that I’ve suggested ruin the MC experience?

And as far as I know, Shattered Realms will actually be a part of the main story.

But seriously, who needs to play MC with full sets? like the main quests as you wrote about in a later post. They are kinda easy.

So, when we discuss balancing of sets etc, we need to do that with respect to the circumstances they “should” be used.

It’s never been said that it’s part of the main story. The Shattered Realm is a new game mode similar to the Crucible but accessible as part of the main campaign rather than being separate as the Crucible is. It’s entirely optional whether you go in there or not.

I actually thought that Zantai said smth about Ulgrim being lost again in the Shattered Realm or smth, but I guess it was just a joke :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the explanation Medea :cool:

No, just Zantai being Zantai. :smiley:

Zantai… Zantai never changes…

Both skills have rr. You NEED to use those to maximize the damage when you are dealing with enemies that have high aether/lightning res.

And one has to kite to stay alive and deal damage in the first place.

You can’t have it all mate.

I do not like when sets etc allows for “everything”. You have to take the good with the bad.

I like this idea. I’ve made a mage hunter using this set, and it’s honestly not a lot of fun. Compared to the trozan druid I also have TSS lacks the dot, on the trozan build it’s near 30k, not insignificant. The double conversion is this suggestion works much better, and as a bonus will not annoy me as much as the current one does. Converting skills with a large dot component to aether (or chaos for that matter) has always bothered me more than it should.

Also, talking about game modes in a thread like this feels kind of pointless, perhaps focus on the actual ideas?