My Exotic Personal Builds

this is like the 5th? time you do this, so i can’t tell if you’re actually genuine about it, because it seems so far fetched/there should be no chance you could miss it “specially when you respond to it/the things in question”. :neutral_face:
*i’m 100% aware there is swizz cheese memory existing, or even direct/real health related stuff, but this seems more in the realm of obtuse selective amnesia at best and not actually Alzheimer etc/i struggle to buy someone being genuine this oblivious in their own interactions; even if i too am a very forgetful person/nature.

Here is one of many you directly engaged with My Exotic Personal Builds - #29 by eardianm

absolute no offence taken
in general i have a base issue being succinct, “brevity is not my forte”,
which gets “compounded” trying to explain something, specially if i think i might not get understood/get my meaning proper across without then elaborating it, (simply because it seems like that very thing frequently happens), - and then it might be “worse” from that very elaboration, but i struggle to form it/figure out a different way unfortunately.


I see stuff like that and instantly stop reading. All the effort you made after is lost as I will never see it. I understand how you thought I missed some things you said before, I did.

Simple, direct, logical, and stay on topic. Pretend you are Spock.

you did not;
you responded directly to them, hence the link/quote i gave
hence the disbelief you being genuine when you say “did i miss something”.
You didn’t miss it, you read it, digested it enough to respond; at most then you disregard it as it doesn’t suit your echo/bubble/skin… :neutral_face:
just like you try to minimize or deflect any and all criticism/counterpoint or other disagreement after another with some sort of invalidation :smile:

point being, it doesn’t help you/make you look good when you do this bs tactic… "the evidence/posts are there to the contrary"

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Oh good. So we simply disagreed. All good then.

again, no, it’s not about you/posts disagreeing
it was about the obvious disingenuous minimizing reaction of “did i miss something” as if it didn’t happen/wasn’t there or you not aware; when you clearly are.
Which is a response you’ve pulled multiple times now, obviously in an attempt to brush things off, or even deal with the response in question and trivialize the person/people/remark - “because there is just no way you did miss that thing mentioned”

It’s 100% your perogative if you don’t want to read a reply, or respond to it/engage in any way,
but if you do engage with someone; please don’t be so condescending enough to act like you’re not aware of what’s being mentioned/pretend X wasn’t a thing… :neutral_face: - it’s objectively utter BS

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This has been obvious for a while. This person is just farming “views and likes”, though he isn’t really aware of how it works. He’s not here to learn about the game, he’s here to gloat and call anyone else who does better a cheater (editor user!).

Negative publicity is still publicity, or something. Ignore the topics and they get closed automatically. Other option is to turn them so sour and toxic they get closed by mr Z. There are posts here where your time is better spent.


This thread is kinda like a soap. Kinda funny at first, but getting a bit repetitive.


interesting read

makes me wonder if poe2 is on the right path removing minions entirely. waste of time to balance for devs and confusing for players as they can’t be expected to properly communicate when they can have utterly irreconcilable experiences playing the same game
perhaps it’s a legacy ARPG aspect that simply shouldn’t be humored any longer.

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Are they? The thought of removing a popular archetype in ARPGs would cause world ending riots IMO. I can see a certain bird stalking the halls…

See below…told ya




No pets, me no play - simple. :laughing:


They’re not being removed. They even showcased a minion setup fpr PoE2. Pets get summoned automatically.

Based as fuck

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New Category Added

— SR90 No Pet Class Summoners —

  • Purifier Chaos Solo SR90 Hard
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I have 5 for the SR90 No Pet Class Summoners list. Taking a while to max devotions.

One still needs 22 devotion skill levels and is borderline SR90 Very Easy

you remembering to use XP pot while running SR? - should level devos fast that way

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Yes. It’s just no one is running 90’s online for a few weeks now. It might be the news of the pet nerf on the way, who knows. Mostly Conjurers run 90’s.

If no luck I’ll just post as SR90 hard. Devotion skills only gain 1/4 min at best anyway.

Lol, attention farming at its best.


Love these Self introspection posts.

My devotion skills are -17. It may be SR90 Easy (5.5 to 6.5)

  • Spellbreaker Cold Solo SR90 Hard

My very best legit no pet Spellbreaker is only SR75 under my rating system.
With low level devotions it’s still a Best in Game build.

If you try it and max the devotions, please let me know how it did.