My random Drain Essence Spellbinder concept for FG

I’m leveling a Spellbinder currently and I managed to figure out a way to eventually have Arcane Bomb, Will of Rattosh, Hungering Void and Time Dilation once FG releases.

We have so many items and devotions in this game, it feels like I have no idea what I’m doing. Which is the reason why I’m requesting the help of y’all, to make my silly character better in any way imaginable. The OA and DA seem kind of low to me, and health regen might be an issue once I actually get Hungering Void, not sure. Here’s the GT link:

Why harbinger of souls?

Why not overcap Maivens?

Are you expecting many mobs die from Ravenous Earth? Skip Foul erruption, max decay for dmg red instead.

Only took Harbinger of souls because it buffs the important damage types and gives casting speed. With Master of death I’d get better OA, DA and still decent casting speed which is nice I guess.

Putting 2 more points into Maiven’s is definitely possible.

Also I tought the little rr and life reduction on foul eruption would be worth it, but I’m not too attached to it if it’s bad.

Thanks for the help!

Reckless power? casting speed and +%aether damage, you can then remove points in necro mastery and get blood boil up for more OA shred on enemies.

Foul Erruption only works if a monster dies from Ravenous Earth damage… it will turn the corpse into a bomb (read the skill description)

Do not spend points in spirit with arcanist, like wtf?