Necromancer focused 2h Build

Could anyone recommend me a good build that focuses more into the Necromancer aspects of the two classes and possibly makes good use of a 2h weapon?I’m a returning player, logged over 230 hours into Grim Dawn when it first released and just recently returned after purchasing the 3 DLC’s, so i’m quite pumped to dive back into this meaty game!

I’m familar with the games systems and I know I want to focus in Necromancer, possibly go into something like Defiler, Reaper, or Ritualist. It doesn’t have to have pets, but a few Skeletons tossed in for extra Necrotic effect isn’t something i’ll mind.

I know it sounds odd to be picky on the weapon type, but when I think Neco, i think Scythe and that just has be eager to dive in and reap some damn souls.

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hmmmmmm i can suggest deathnight (necro+soldier) vitality

Maybe Soulrend cold Reaper? Also vitality Ritualist or physical Death Knight are ideas.

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Hmm maybe the lich queen Oppresser build might work. Seems short on abilities tho.

I’ve seen some mentions of an internal tramua/pet focused 2h Ritualist build, but can’t find a fleshed out one.

Anyone happen to have a build off hand for something like this? From what I gathered it focuses on Neco first for Skeletons and Reaping strike for pets/damage before specing into Shaman for Savageary and working towards pets/tramua damage. It sounds really fun and interesting but again, I’m not able to find anything too fleshed out

This thing is ridiculous: The curse of Cain - the STRONGEST vitality build (EVERYTHING+++)

Neat possible build. Any links for a build similar to the one I described above tho? That one’s more it’s own thing.

Since you mentioned Pets and also Ritualist, here is an experimental build if you are willing to try:

Not sure how it would play, but the original build it is made from fares well, so it shouldn’t be too bad. You can apply a Scythe Illusion for the 2h :stuck_out_tongue: