Need help - 2H physical warder

I need help in improving my 2H physical warder build. I did in fact complete the story, but I noticed a considerable drop in clear speed in act 4. Survivability seems OK-ish, but some boss fights take a considerable amount of time.
I managed to kill Nemesis Anasteria on Ultimate a few times but that fight is always very long and I got killed a number times (even with Spiritbane Ointment).
On the other hand I failed to kill the Mad Queen (she just healed all my damage back, although I did not die) and failed miserably to defeat the Sentinel (he just had enormous damage I could not keep damaging him).

I do not know what exactly I am doing wrong, but I feel that I do.

It is basically The Paleo Gamer’s Arc destroyer - the devotion setup is exactly the same (build reference).

Current skill build (+skills and devotions included):

Stat distibution: 46/30/8
Most gear is augmented.

Here is the image with the character (buffs on, relic used: Juggernaut):

Thanks in advance!

Use Legion headguard with physical res and lots of hp + Soleal pants with lots of bonuses+ Devils chest with phy res and lots of hp , would do better vs Sentinel

nice build