Need help with Voidsoul Sentinel theorycraft

chaos+vitality doesn’t work , 2 dmg type doesn’t work , but set already have chaos+vitality. That genious gamedesign.

Maybe a Riftwarped Grasp & a Conduit of Divine Whispers with -%Chaos RR?
If you want to go more heavily into chaos, I mean.
Whilst you probably should decide on one primary damage type it also seems like going the pure vitality route on this one will leave you with not enough flat damage on you skills and the pure chaos route with not enough RR… :slightly_frowning_face:

such is the fate of chaos damage :confused: but i still love it. i think if it had a dot, it would be up to par with other dmg types.

anyway heres the chaos variant i came up with:

You also might consider Solael´s Witchblade devo for -35% chaos RR. I think that its mendatory.

ahh i totally forgot about that. how the heck do you get the witchblade+abomination+dying god??

i figured it out, but had to sacrifice ghoul, which hopefully doesnt matter much?:

Do you really need Imp in the build?

no, i dont even bind it to a skill, but its point efficient. i cant find any other way to get those 3 beeg beeg devotions (abomination+dying god+witchblade).

try using exterminus gun, +1 both classes and aoe resist reduction! also for conduit i went with -15rr to bloody pox it’s way better than guardian rr and you probably want bloody pox with wasting max to fix DA on voidsoul sent. rr to curse would be preferable too

personally i didnt try abom+god setup, but dont think it’s all that great. sure it makes ur shield throw hit supe hard, but we got 0 cdr for it and aegis is our only way to use it and it has lengthy cd just don’t get much use out of it. can go time dialation/dying god setup for aegis/bolt resets. or dying god + lots of procs with flame torrent/fissure to help aoe clear/single target dmg during CDs

also blood sigil medal is fun for chaos vires might for something to do between bolts/aegis

1 Like I have no idea if this would work but can you convert the chaos on doom bolt back to vitality ? Like with this axe? Then youre at one damage type.

damage can only be converted once

in this case ull just end up back to default ~50/50 doombolt :stuck_out_tongue:

Regarding the devotion setup: I, too, would probably stay away from Abomination; maybe you could go for some of those awesome defensive shield devos instead? By taking Revenant over Manticore for RR, you can really save some points on the Eldritch side of things :slight_smile:

@TomoDaK Yeah, that Conduit of Eldritch Whispers-prefix is totally superior to the divine one, I totally forgot about that! And that gun is definitely worth testing out, too

i cant fit both pox and vires so i just went with pox since i need the pierce res on the medal. i think either one would work. i did change the amulet, weapon, and devo to do god+hourglass. sucks bc abom is so much sheet OA and dmg though.

thanks for all your great suggestions :smiley:
heres the GT with yours and @Cinder’s:

Not really sure if binding DB to Hourglass is the right choice because of unreliable 20% of activation,
especially when striking only one target (Lokarr, SR).

True - apart from that, though, this setup starts to look better and better :slight_smile:

@stefan429 I just tinkered around with your grimtools a little more over dinner, trying to expand on your CD-reduction-theme. Going for Path of the Three might just be a little too greedy, though; Possession on 20/12 is quite awesome both due to its huge damage reduction and the flat chaos dmg :confused:

A few notes regarding my other changes:

  1. this build really needs more OA, 2.6k without Ascension is really low and makes the juicy %crit dmg from dying god kind of useless. Whilst a higher Ascension uptime with Hourglass devo definitely helps, I also added an ‘of attack’-suffix on the medal (is that realistic in your case? Anything with OA or even cunning might already do the job), Barbaros Pants (damn, the chaos support s*cks in that department) & Viper devotion.

  2. The number of devotion procs seems too high. I know, this is counterintuitive, but if you don’t have enough/ decent enough skills to trigger them, just taking devos with great stats (like Shieldmaiden) instead of something like Bat (you already have a lot of AdctH & Fiend does way more damage with all your conversion) should be better (I think).
    Sidenote: Vire’s Might is a pretty decent devotion proccer, in case you didn’t know.

  3. The relic. Not entirely sure about this one. Whilst Serenity offers great defense, I think you can allow yourself to go for more damage. Skill point starvation doesn’t really seem to be a problem either.

  4. The boots. Slow res is way overcapped with Timewarped Walkers; phys & aether res is great, but I went for more damage (might just be personal preference).

  5. Craft that helmet for stun res if you can.

  6. I hope this wasn’t too much. I get carried away sometimes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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i wish path of the three could work but possession is just too good to pass up damage/resist/absorb-wise. but we still need pierce res bc my T1 pierce res on the medal is less realistic in order and we should overcap it lol. otherwise i really appreciate the changes and will try them :slight_smile:

Yeah, I suspect you are right regarding Posession :stuck_out_tongue:
But how important is pierce res really? Apart from Fabius I really can’t think of many dangerous enemies with lots of pierce dmg :thinking:

what bothers me more is actually the aether overcap in my version; I really would prefer upwards of 30% on that one.

Maybe with a pair of Golemborn greaves this would look better?

(look at those georgeous resists!)

very nice defenses, but now you lost 200 OA and overcap aegis from the last post haha. i think its appropriate to say the boots are interchangeable depending on what you need.

Well, we do have 250 DA shred from Pox, so that part might work out…

Whether the last one point in Aegis matters a lot I’m not sure. Worst case, you could always go back to the Serenity relic for that; Eldritch Pact should still grant more damage though.

Pox is OA shred sadly, and yeah id have to see but i think the eldritch pact might be better for dps.

but i think this first suggestion you made is as good as its gonna get for now. im gonna try it later, again thanks and lmk if you try it :smiley:

Ah, right, sorry :see_no_evil:

But effectively it still translates to DA for us, right? I think I once ran a Demonslayer WH with like 2750 DA back in the olden days (AoM), and that one worked just fine (it also had another 130 OA shred from Veil of Shadow & a f*ckton of life leech, but considering the circumstances this shouldn’t be too different).

I think, however, that we are now at a stage where further progress can only be made via actual playtesting anyways… :slight_smile:

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