Need some help with my "Shaman"

Hey guys,

so I started playing a Trickster, but going full Lightning for now till I am 94 for the 100% Savagery to Cold Conversion, so just using the Nightblade for Pseumatic Burst and Shadow strike for mobility for now.

I got the Problem that I really drop extremely low hp on trash mobs, almost die to a swarm of bees, some beasts or skeletons. Should I reset my devotion? Maybe go more passive? What is my problem here?

You’re not taking core nightblade skills. Veil of Shadows for oa shred, ABB for damage and oa, SS for mobility, Dual Blades and wps for phys res and dmg, Circle of Slaughter for fumble. You need to get nightblade mastery to the end too for core stats. Forget lightning. Savagery alone gives very little of it compared to what you can get from nightblade mastery when going cold. Solo cold nightblade would be stronger than this.

Thanks, yea I know cold probably would be better, but I had an Spellbreaker before and just wanted to try something new. But I will then go and max. Veil of Shadows, Dual blades and Circle of Slaughter. I really had no dmg problems just like I said my hp went down really quick.

I agree with ya_ use nightblade skills as focus, and just pick up Heart of the Wild and Raging temepst (12/12 it scales poorly after that) from Shaman until you have enough +skills gear (and Korba helm/set) to use savagery

get the Pneumatic burst trasmuter so you can use another relic.

If you dont wanna level up as you did with your spellbreaker, consider going 2handed Primal strike instead

Thank you! With the Pseumatic burst transmuter you mean the “Breath of Belgothian” thingy?

That is the only transmuter that Pneumatic burst has so yeah.

btw 11k hp is not little for level 80. But 800 armor with 70% abs is very low.


your main problem is “physical”. Not enough armor and physical resistance though it’s not that easy to stack when leveling.

You can bypass this issue by increasing your other ways of defence: DA, ADCTH, OA reduction, Attack Speed retaliation, Armor absorption etc.

You should take Veil of Shadow for instance; get more adcth and DA from devotions; rethink your component/augment setup towards more alternative defense. AoM components, if you can afford them, are key (Runebound Topaze, Ugdenbog Leather especially).

I revamped your skill point distribution and your devotion towards this. This is my humnle opinion and should be considered with care :wink:


Aight thanks. I dont know what to do really because of the armor, because I dont even have Pierce & Aether resistance maxed out, I just drop bullshit atm. I guess Resistances are more important then armor right? Also what means 70% abs? Ya know I am knub. Thanks

Thank you very much! Can you explain why alot of people go for “Dying God” like you did? Because of the DA/OA mostly?

Oa and massive crit dmg plus some total speed

Thank you, I will go and try everything out and hope for the best!

You have many level 50 armor pieces, you need upgrades. scroll down to “Armor Formula”

You should have at least 2k DA and OA. You have level 40 - 50 armor value, and no absorption. And yeah, Veil of Shadows is pretty good. You could also search for 15 points to add to Dual Blades, that’s 10% free physical resist, if you can’t get more armor.

As User_name_83 said. This is what I would do (continuing on an earlier suggestion) that is a nice chunk of physical resists.

Thank you!

Thanks everyone, I reskill everything and see how it works then!

Works a way better now! Thanks everyone! Some armor now and it should be perfect for now.

Glad it works for you :slight_smile:

(I forgot that Dual Blades has good phys. res. now)