I’m planning on leveling a chaos deciever with SoC and RoK with abaddoth book
need help for its devotion and probable end game items for it. thx
Here’s what I was using for such a build, I played it a couple of patches ago but not much changes I think: Deceiver, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
SR 80(limited testing) and Crucible 170 viable. I am using some rare MIs but I also am not using a bunch of augment slots so it should work without them(mine aren’t optimal anyway I think). Tons of leech from Bat + Sigil and double heal from BoD +WoR on top of seal makes it a very tanky boy. I had also made a post - Tagging the Turf : Full chaos sigil, DB and RoK build ft. Red Inquis Seal : Grimdawn
Make sure to manage your energy with augs/components or you’ll end up burning thru pots.
Thank you for the reply. Your build looks awesome.
Can i ask the what the devotion path is? devotions still confuses me.
Green crossroad 1 pt
Bat 5 pts
Fiend 5 pts
Solael’s blade 5 pts (these 3 are a very good early dmg boost if levelling)
Jackal 3 pts
Revenant 6 pts
Eel 3pts
Sailor’s guide 4 pts
Lizard 3 pts
Dying god 6 pts
Scholar’s light 3 pts
Spider 5 points
Abomination 5 points (chaos side)
1 point left over for anything you want.