I died 4 times in outskirts before actually seeing Alexander…could not actually see him in all the monsters…or he might be able to become invisible and i dont know…not a joke…just wondering…
Same thing with Fabius…
Some nemesis are very big on screen, u cannot miss them, but the small ones, if u dont see the chest, u can walk right pass by them.
They should have something like that star above their head…or a specific unique aura glow…or a specific colour that sorrounds them and colours the environment 30 meters around him
Zantarin also…The Iron Maiden…dunno if im missing other small size ones…but something should be done so they can be spotted easier…
I think that they’re ok as is. If you have volume turned on you can hear the little ones or otherwise notice them (Alexander starts talking shit in a very deep voice, fabius has a skill with a distinctive sound that he always immediately uses so you know he’s there, iron maiden blitz’s you immedately, etc), the big ones are very easy to spot obviously, and they only spawn in specific areas. Ie, if you’re in a area that can spawn a nemesis, and you’ve farmed enough that you’re at nemesis with said bad guys, you should know to keep your eyes (and maybe ears) peeled for them.
I go out of my way looking for Aleksander/Kuba/Valdaran on and near my typical farming route, and I’ve found all 3 of those quite a bit without really planning for it back when I was just starting to gear up, but the only other nemesis I’ve ever found without actively searching for him was Moosilauke in SoT.
hint: for nemesis farming you want significantly overcapped resists vs their primary attacks (as in 80-85% base resistance and 25-50% overcapped), or a lot of bleed duration reduction for kuba if you don’t want to kite him much. If you’re getting one shot by them then you’re probably not ready to be farming nemesis, anyway. And didn’t a bunch of us tell you a couple of weeks ago to get more defense on your belgothians bm? Glad to see you were paying attention…
I can kill kuba without running from him, i even stay in the ponds, i steal a lot of life, and remain alive, but when i do lokkar runs, i sometimes stumble upon alexander, and dont see the chest, and i get 1 shot…dunno what he does…but he does it…i’ve heard his voice…but even there didnt spot him right after, i have all max res. I can also kill lokkar the same way, without running from him, except the times he spawns with a big dmg weapon or wtf he does that one shots me even with 2 elixirs that give me +2500 health bonus both, also i have almost 3000 armor now.