Are Nemesis monsters supposed to be beatable? Because they seem to be so overtuned that my geared-out, almost endgame level 100 purifier is incapable of killing them most of the time. And when he can, it requires about five deaths to finally take them down.
Have you beaten Ultiimate already? It’s kinda hard too yet you’re supposed to beat it (unless you’re an altoholic / prefer to chill on Normal).
Yes, I’ve beaten the campaign on ultimate and have gone through Ashes of Malmouth. Forgotten Gods is up next as soon as I max out more faction reps.
To be honest. With the right tactic and a good build I think they are quiet easy. But you need good gear. All resistances over max and so on. With a none finished build they can be challenging. But tactic is important…
Would you like to post your build as grim tools link? I would be intersted in
Nems in MC are a joke for all but the most glassy of builds.
most nemesis, specially Main Campaign variants are just various stat checks
there are some where depending on build you need to pay attention to certain things
stuff to mention could be Zantarin’s shotgun, Kuba’s healing pools, Aleks’ meteor, Benji’s cluster bombs, Valde’s “retal” orb “aura”, Fabius shadow strike and blade barrier, Grava’s nulli orbs
in general, if you’re dying to MC nemesis, it would suggest you lack either base defences, like resist, and or healing (health pot doesn’t count) ex lifesteal for weapon attacker builds
Yes, absolutely. If you cant beat them, it means your build is kinda weak. Or gear. Or you try to take big slowpoke green meteors in your face without moving. Etc.
There are superbosses, that arent meant to be beatable by normal builds - Callagadra, Avatar of Mogdrogen, etc. But not Nemesises.
I’m not native or even good at English but I think it should be “Nemeses”
I don’t think nemesis enemies are weak. Probably the most important part is to learn about their mechanics. One you know what each of them is capable of then it becomes much easier even if your build is not finished.
For long time players the learning curve is often underestimated.
Now I can beat nemesis as they come but It came to me after 1000 in game hours or so.
Learn, have fun, experiment and play…
With time and commitment you don’t need anything else