New button in your chest


There is a new button in the last patch with which you can move all relics and accessories from the inventory to the chest. But you can’t move them back. I propose to make a two-position button: at the first click the objects are moved to the chest, at the second - to the inventory, etc.

Why would you need to move them back? Crafting, shrines, etc, take them directly from your stash. If you need potions, etc, then just right click on them and select how many you need to move to your inventory bag.

I need to move relics back to change chest for example… or maby your relicts are in different chests including shared chests, and you want to place all of them to one by 2-3 clicks. It would be convenient.

Well, that button only moves components, nothing else.

Oh, yes. I mean components, not relicts. Sorry.