The chaos reap spirit pet (since cold -> chaos conversion) is pretty huge i’d say, as once you convert the physical part too you essentially get reap spirit pets that deal pure chaos, on top of up to 70% chaos RR.
You do lose out points on occult sadly but you dont lose out on skeletons thankfully which are your main damage.
hello, i recently came back from a longer break. i have a lvl 100 cabalist from around 1 year ago and im now looking to update my gear in order to prepare for the new expansion. does anyone have a grimtool link recommendation for me? i am mostly playing the campaign. thank you
The one I quoted a few posts ago should be ok. Or the one in my op if you don’t plan on doing high level crucible gladiator.
Other than pets I recommend Dark One Ravenous Earth like here.
I’m not sure if we’re still talking about Lost Souls but if we do I wouldn’t be too excited about Fiendgaze. 1) No points for Reap Spirit 2) no support to reach high ranks on RS, 3) conversion covers just ~17% of skeles’ phys most of the time (that is when one Voidwhisper is down) as about half the phys goes vit by WotC and Master of Death. 4) could really use better pet stats.
Yeah, that’s pretty similar to what my main campaign farmer in HC for ages looked like for devotions. Also I thought I linked the build with the medal you’re using, which is why my resists were out of wack because I hadn’t set it up for using beastcallers. I just threw it on to see what it would do.
But yeah, one thing the Moggy setup does really well for cabalist builds is fix up the bleed res situation for pets. It’s why I went to Moggy for campaign farming – my skeles were almost capped res across the board, 1 off on the bleed res. The unfortunate part is the player has kinda low DA. (I swear this used to be higher…)
In regards to Fiendgaze Tome, it would be a lot easier to experiment with if it had any resists on it whatsoever. The point loss is still pretty severe because +1 occultist gives so much overall, but it’d be interesting to try. Maybe Reap Spirit would fit more than the Blight Fiend, but I doubt it. Blight Fiend’s DA shred I don’t think I make up for anywhere else, and I’d probably want to move some procs around.
Hybridizing with Chaos is a bit more effective than straight Vitality. Lost Souls can do gladiator fairly reliability with a defensive devotion setup but it’s slow, 10 minutes or so.
Considering that the skeletons of a lost souls build deal nearly pure vitality damage (50% physical to vitality from the set and 35% from maxing will of the crypt)and the set is centered around boosting the vitality damage of pets and not chaos damage that seems to point to a failure of the concept of the set or vitality as pet damage type.
It’s largely this, but also the fact that there is a lot of chaos support that fits in easily between Hellfire, Voidwhisper Bands, Fiendgaze Tome, and Dying God, plus the Hellhound skills have unconverted Chaos damage.
Vitality is rough for pets because you can’t reasonably get significant RR. That is also true of Chaos, which is why using both types with moderate RR leaves you with fewer weaknesses and works out okay.
I followed this build and I’ve been destroying everything having absolutely no problem with anything. I just came back to grim dawn about a week ago and reset my old cabalist to this and it’s glorious. Can pretty much shut my brain off and run through shit. Haven’t tried in Crucible yet I’ve mostly been going through FG content. I’ve done shattered realm quite a bit trash mobs are insta gibbed and elites/bosses die in a few seconds. I don’t even have health potions slotted on my hot bar because I almost never get hit and when I do my BoD and such takes care of that. (Yes I realize this is a bit of a necro as this was last commented on at the start of the month but figured I would still share this.
Skiping witchfire and go for rattosh on skeletons might work. From my testing rattosh for some reason gives higher dps on skeletons than twin fangs, likely due to each skeleton have their own instance of the debuff dot.
You have to give up too much to take it. It’s too far out of the way from what is otherwise useful to pet builds. It’s not even competitive with the T2 constellations in terms of RR.