New Occultist

Hey all, just discovered this game, and loving it. Trying all sorts of builds, though I’ve only gotten to level 25 atm. I really like the idea of the Occultist. Wanted to see if I could get some suggestions on a second class. I like the look of the Witchblade or Witch-Hunter. Any suggestions or personal preferences would be great!

Thanks in advance!

I’ve played and restarted many characters, getting a few to 85. (spellbreaker, blademaster, pet conjurer) It’s really important that you find a build uses skills that feel satisfying to you.

Occultist is my personal favorite tree. Common builds are going pet-based conjurer, vitality-based conjurer, poison-based witch hunter, poison-based DEE, witchblade, or… below…

I started a witch hunter a week ago that I’ve completely fallen in love with. Dual wielding chaos slinging bad ass. Chaos bolt is the single greatest looking spell in the game, and is amazing for 1 point. Chaos strike (from component) hits like a freight train, and with shadow strike (300% main+off weapon damage) both are two of the hardest hitting skills in the game. That’s not even mentioning teleporting. Teleporting! Sigil of consumption is one of my most favorite skills, and fits perfectly into that AOE skill that every build needs, and it heals more the more enemies there are (exactly when you would need more healing).

This is my build, give or take a few points here and there. (I’ve been tempted to go for more of the poison skills/devotions, but that won’t pay off too well end game when you need to focus on chaos/vitality. Should be used with a chaos/vitality based weapon. Bloody pox for devotion proc.

Possibly the best advice you will ever receive.

Personally, I am having a blast with a melee pyromancer right now.

If you like the caster vibe you can use the chaos transmuter for the aether ray in arcanist. Combine this with sigil + its 2nd skill for extra single target plus some healing, 1 point into doom bolt to chunk high HP enemies, possession and maivens, curse of frailty for slow, and from there you can play around a bit with the rest of your points. My build has a point in hellhound and ember claw just to take a bit of the aggro - works well with aether ray which is not an aoe so you don’t get aggro back immeditately.

Thanks for the responses guys, I’m definitely going to check into all your suggestions see what feels right for me. I am always more of a melee kind of guy, but now I want to see what the arcanist combo looks like too. Thanks again!