New Rig On the WAY baby!


nVidia 980ti, 4 gigs
16 gigs RAM
1.5tbyte HDD
512 gig SDD
intel i7 4ghz
Windows 10 64

I am frothing at the mouth!!!

It’s been a long time coming - I need to play Fallout 4 cranked to the max, and every other damn game the same way. Hopefully No Man’s Sky will be amazing on it!

Grats! What you gonna do with the old one?:smiling_imp:

Good for you man! Enjoy.
What brand of 980ti did you opt for. I like Asus. I have a Gigabyte 780ti in my gaming rig atm but I will never buy another Gigabyte card. It fuzzed out on me playing Star Citizen. I did manage to take it apart and fix it, but it didn’t give me much confidence in their quality.

Yeah, Asus are a stronk card imo.

You are liquid cooling your cpu I take it?

Lucky bastard :stuck_out_tongue: :mad: :rolleyes:

GL with the new rig ;):smiley:

Congrats on the new computer :slight_smile:

You never forget your first time with new PC. That smell of PCB in the morning.

Dont want to be a downer, but this is the worst time when to buy a new comp (better said GPU). They are just releasing in few months new generation of GPUs, like 1080 that will be around 30% or more faster than 980ti for the around same price. ANd ATI will also be releasing a new GPU soon.

But anyway congrats on your new PC.

Also new SSD M.2 Pcie tech that removes SATA III bandwidth constraints…if you can imagine SSD 3x faster. But let me rob the bank to get one, let alone new pc. But if you decide to wait for new architectures, you probably would never upgrade.

$600 will always be the price for a brand new GPU, in general.

And they will always be “20 to 30%” faster. If I waited around for innovation to come, I’ll wait around forever.

And thanks. I’m happy.

Your last line is absolutely correct.

There is always a “next gen” something coming up (thankfully).

At some point, games won’t be able to bog down the hardware at all, no matter how many particle effects or polygons are thrown at it – a state we are rapidly approaching.

The old one is a laptop. I’m gonna keep it around for traveling.

It’s fun to load up Fallout 4 on an airplane during a 12 hour flight.

I stick with EVGA. I’ve never been dissatisfied with their products.

Yes and no. Generally every few years there is a big change in architecture and there is a bigger jump in technology and performance. This time we are at that stage, where a new architecture is being released. And this is not something to wait for a year. If i read it correctly the new gpus will be released this month. If this was something in a year I would agree with you. But its not.

But anyway, what is done is done, there is no going back now. Its important that you are happy.

We are coming again in exciting times when it comes to GPUs, as that market was stale and predictable with very little pushes in the last few years. But this and next year will be very interesting.

A 30% increase in performance isn’t really a drastic huge change in architecture - Everytime nVidia comes out with a new card, jumping from the 700’s to 800’s to 900’s series, it’s a 20 to 30% increase in FPS. If you are referring to the nVidia GTX 1080, which I assume you are, (it’s going to be in the ballpark of $600 and claims to be between a 20 to 30% increase in average FPS - big shocker) which can reach 200FPS on Doom, then there really is no point in buying it when it comes out especially since current monitors do not support a refresh rate to match that type of framerate, so it’s totally lost due to bottlenecking on the monitor’s end…it’s a waste of money, and when will those types of monitors be released with that kind of FPS support? It’s longer than a year…and how much will they cost?

The point is, you are acting like you aren’t trying to lowkey “burst my bubble” while trying to lowkey burst my bubble, of having a new PC. “what’s done is done” LOL…like i can’t just return the card if I am not happy with it.

Anyway, yea. Can we ease off on the hint at consolation/condolences over a purchase I made that is a good purchase which I am happy with? And I didn’t pay $600 for this nVidia card. I paid a good bit less as part of a package. I got a good deal and excellent power that will last me a very long time - and when the 1080 comes out, I’ll just sell this card and buy one of those. shrug

Are there monitors that support 200 fps or not doesnt matter. Its the game that can not run 200 fps that will be coming out in future is the problem. After all if you buy this expensive card you are getting it to be secured for a longer period of time.

I dont know can you return a card or not, as that is not how it works here, and you can not return cards that are not broken. So thats why my comment is what is done is done, Not trying to attack you, just pointing out that it is a bad time to buy because if you wait a month you will get a better card for 30% increase of performance. I dont know did you get the card or not on some special sale or something, but the fact is, the new cards will be of same price range as the ones you are buying, and will be more powerful. And thats why I said its a bad time to buy exactly at this point, without knowing are you getting some special deal or can you return totally functional card.

Ok, understandable points.

But the point I am making, is there is always going to be a next tier of development releasing soon. This is always! It’s not a bad time to buy for people here in the USA if you’re getting a decent deal. It’s not good to wait around constantly for an upgrade that’s coming soon, because one is always coming soon.

Oh yeah😁



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