Have you checked out the “Builds for beginners” here Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods) ?
Count the number of class combos and playstyles and then report it back to me. I counted 19 class combos + 3 solo class = 22 in total.
Heck earlier today I read a complaint that there were too many beginner builds to choose from xD
And look, do you have any idea how time consuming it is to make these guides and maintaining them? Be glad for what you already have to choose from I’d say.
I think the most important thing for a beginner player to think about when they decided to “start playing serious” or whatever you wanna call it is “what is my preferred playstyle” (I prefer casters/mages - both kiters and spammers, and tanky melee chars) and after that “is there any particular damage type I fancy” (for instance I love Lightning skills in these kinda Games, but I am not that much into poison).
Since all build archetypes are covered
- Melee sword and shield
- Dual wield melee
- Melee burst / skater (e.g. shadowstrike, Vires might)
- 2H melee
- Kite caster
- Sustain/life leech caster
- Channeling caster
- Spam caster
- Summoner / pets
- Ranged with guns/rifle
I’d say anyone who is interested in playing “serious” have all the playstyles to choose from.
So, perhaps do your research before you post stuff like:
I also think that 99.999% of all players actually play the game first on their own, and then turn to guides if they feel that they wanna get more serious. So perhaps we do not need leveling guide and/or starting end-game farming guides for Saboteur, Apostate or Battlemage… Most players will go with the “cookie cutter” builds anyway, like warlord, paladin, vindicator, conjurer, purifier, …