If you don’t go Phantasmal Blades then NB doesn’t have any AoE skill. Atm I’m levelling my Nightblade (I’m lvl47 atm) and I have to run to almost each mob and kill it. If the room is full of monsters I get too much incoming damage because I can’t kill many monsters at once and ‘commute’ between them killing one by one. For example in Tomb of Korvaak. That chaos damage really hurts. I have pheumatic burst, of course but if it is on cooldown i have a lot of problems. Any suggestions? I took Arcanist as my second mastery and it helps a bit with OFF but not too much.
The duel blades line has aoe, phantasmal blades is aoe, ring of steel, shadow strike when you get nightfall is amazing aoe. Blade trap is also aoe and blade spirit can help a lot too.
There’s several decent AoE skills in nightblade, but as was previously stated feels like most of my trash clearing comes from blades of wrath and Blind Fury (Oleron’s) devotions. Toss blind fury on blade spirit and it’ll melt trash mobs.
In other masteries if AoE radius of skills is low that skill at least has low cooldown but AoE skills in NB have 3.5+sec cooldown. Dual Blades skills are not actually AoE because they just hit monsters around the player (like 1-2m radius).
There we go. Knew we had to have been missing some critical info.
Elaborate please. I’ve never had much issue with “sustainability”. You want to eat energy for morning, noon, and night then a player should factor usage into their build and compensate as required.
Being worst AOE =/= not having any AOEs in the mastery, though.
ABB still needs some decent buff AND have it’s Pierce damage back again, because for whatever reason, Crate thought it was a nice idea to remove the Pierce damage from it… but, despite all that, it can be pretty good early on with trash mob clearing, plus it’s 2 secs cooldown lets you use it pretty often.