No treasure or vendor after SR81 normal

I finished SR81 in normal and selected to take rewards, portal to splendors of the shattered realm opened but the place is empty, no chests, no vendor. Is this a bug?

when you use Death’s Waystone rewards are removed and going higher is purely for challenge
Celestial Waystone and sr 75-76 is the highest/final optimal shard for rewards/farming

If you didn’t use a Death’s Waystone then there should still be loot far as I know. But if you did then yes, no loot - just the glory.

Ah I see, thanks. Which is better for farming - SR75-76 normal or SR50 elite? I can breeze through it in normal but tend to get creamed at level 50 in elite. I am hoping for some legendary relic drops, seen none so far.

Elite’s probably going to be better if you’re looking for higher level items. Farm at either 65-66 or 75-76 if you can. If you can’t manage those levels on Elite then farm on Normal and see what you get.