Noob question - Soldier /Shaman

Among others, trying out a build as above. Just a basic some defense and attack damage build with a two hander. (already have a second primal strike build working on too)

Been trying to experiment with training dummy, but seems hard to pin down.
Should I be trying to combine on hit skills like Cadence and Savagery AND Brute Force/Feral Hunger? Do they stack? or should just be going for one.

Also - is Blade Arc just a worse Forcewave? It seems ok, but less damage and smaller area?

The goal is to have a strong basic attack, with some aoe, and heavy defence in the rest to try out. (currently level 19)

It seems if I go Savagery, plus the two higher skills(Boar and Stormtouched), Brute Force and Feral Hunger, Cadence and Fighting Form - if all those combine should be good damage?


Just pick either Cadence or Savagery as the basic attack. Brute Force if going 2H, then WPS like Feral Hunger, Markov Advantage, and Zolhan to get extra damage output from the basic attack.

Not really, Blade Arc attack in sweeps, Forcewave in line. Although similar in damage type, Blade Arc and its items is more towards bleeding damage, while forcewave is more in flat physical and trauma with bleeding as something of an afterthought. The transmuter for FW also makes it spammable in 2H, thus benefits from more flat damage. Meanwhile Blade Arc transmuter enhanced the dot part by reducing the weapon damage, but increasing the total damage done. Also forcewave use casting speed instead of attack speed.

Usually it is not a good idea to combine 2 basic attack skill due to limited skill point available, and since seems you going WPS route, taking savagery is better in this case, and add the 3 available wps to the Warder. If you really must take Cadence too, just go 1/0/12 on Deadly Momentum as it is a buff to damage.

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