Normal-Elite DW Witch Hunter Leveling

Hello. Trying to help a friend tool up a Witch Hunter. Problem is, I don’t really know what gear to look for in a Poison/Pierce focused character. Any ideas would be helpful. Poison/Cold might be plausible, but I doubt it.

I probably can already guess the leveling skills, but recommendations on those would help also. My initial answer was focusing on Amarasta Blade Burst and Dreeg’s Evil eye. Nidalla’s Hidden Hand would be taken for the dmg conversion and the gear will hopefully support the rest. Obviously Veil of shadow’s Night Chill will be needed for RR.

Thanks for the help in advance.

The way I would skill it (but that’s partly because of personal preferences) is to focus predominantly on Nightblade and only use Occultist as a support class (basically only leveling Curse and Blood).

ABB does not seem to be very good, IMO. For ranged characters it is nice, but for melee I would always prefer Ring of Steel as it seems to do a lot more damage. Of course, it doesn’t do acid damage (although there is an item that you can easily farm which has a 100% conversion to acid).

If you really want to for pierce/poison path, you could try going down the Dual Blades path and include Nidalla’s Hidden Hand.

Veil is something you will probably only want to max out later. In the beginning getting more raw damage bonuses is typically more effective than -%R (I think, but I might not be sure). It’s great to have 1 point in when you have some +all skills.
Speaking of which, for leveling you could certainly go for the Nightblade set - even though the damage bonuses are not optimal for your build, the +2 to all NB skills is incredibly effectively due to the large amount of 1-skill wonders you benefit from. You can basically put a point in everything except Phantasmal Blades and Blade Trap - having NB as your main class is silly that way (you do kinda have to enjoy spamming many low-cooldown attacks though).

So, is the item you’re talking about a green (can be rolled at any level), or a epic/legendary?

Also, how much is Curse of Frailty’s Vulnerability valued? If it is true that Ring of Steel can be converted to Acid, then fantastic. But, otherwise, we’ll probably have to lean heavily into Evil Eye or using Shard of Beronath once he reaches 55.

PS welcome to the forum!

Here is a complete lvling guide:

ABB is perfectly fine for lvling. I am using ABB+LA on all my NB builds to lvl up and never was disappointed.

Thanks for that thread, sir spanks. Some of the stuff i knew by experience, but there are many insights.

I read your leveling guide briefly before, Jager. That was what I assimilated before making the post though. Probably should’ve read the forums more diligently before posting. Thanks nonetheless.

Ignore that last reply, too. I found the RoS convert to acid item.