I am playing an Idyllic Valley on Pioneer and with extra deer. I have 3 hunters who continue to overhunt every area and immediately take out 19-25 deer which are not regenerating at all. I’ve had to move their work circles three times to find new deer populations. This is the first time I haven’t been able to keep them working since playing 9.6e.
I also have two fishing huts on a giant lake with multiple fish shoals, though I didn’t turn on the extra fish for this map. Both of those huts are now showing no fish in the entire lake after three years. There were over 1,000 fish in the lake when I set them both up. Only one of the huts was set on a shoal.
I have tried verifying the game files and also saving, exiting and returning. Nothing has helped to restore any of the deer or fish. I’ll likely abandon this map anyway since the extra iron I turned on is only in the top left most corner of the map and there’s a huge lake (the one I’m complaining about here) between there and my village along with two raiders camps in either direction.