Nothing from my field


I read some guides, watched some videos about but I still can understand why my fields give me nothing :confused:

In the beginning of my party everything was fine with my farm, than I dediced to change my field cultivation and it’s been YEARS since I get something from it. The only thing that grows are clovers.

Can someone help me please ?

Are your Farmers too busy with other tasks like collecting honey or other fields? Did you assign enough farmers or forget to reassign them after perhaps pulling them off the profession during winter?

This very much looks like a lack of farmers working this field, they may also be bugged so unassigning all and reassigning might help.

I just did it after read your answer but it doesn’t seem to work. I have 2 fields right now with 13 workers on it but I have the same behaviour : clover ok but not the rest.

I start to think that’s a bug and it has a real impact on my capacity to feed my people. Too bad :confused:

Anyways, thank you to try to help me.

You could also try to make a new small field to see if its the same problem there and you should really watch what your farmers actually do and what their status is while they should be working.

Clover works because it does not need a harvest, not sure if its actually planted manually.

Also check if the farmers actually have tools available and equipped.

I think you found the problem ! I didn’t know they need tools.

I’ll try to found some or make some if possible.


Travailleurs affecté 
 4 / 11 ???
Quelle taille de champs demande 11 travailleurs ? (mĂȘme 12x12 c’était 7 la derniĂšre fois que j’ai regardĂ©)
Ca parait étrange tout ça.

Perso, je laisse mon nombre de fermiers au max car la nourriture est une partie importante de la progression (juste au dĂ©but d’une ville, pendant l’hiver, en utilisant la touche “P” pour voir les professions, je les enlĂšve tous afin qu’il joignent les constructeurs et travailleurs).

Note 1: les outils j’en ai pas pendant une bonne partie de la partie et ça dĂ©range pas 
 c’est juste qu’ils sont moins efficaces 
Note 2: maintenant qu’il n’y a plus de rocher, tu peux faire 2x du trĂšfle sur la 3Ăšme ligne 
 ou rĂ©partir les trĂšfles entre les 2 lignes.
Ma rotation avec du blé est la suivante:

  • petits pois - trĂšfle - navets (+2 fertilitĂ©)
  • petits pois - trĂšfle - navets (+2 fertilitĂ©)
  • blĂ© - trĂšfle (-3 fertilitĂ©)

Salut Pantolomin,

Je ne sais pas quelle est la taille de mon champ. C’est ma 1ere partie et je ne doute pas que ça ne soit pas opti. Par contre, j’ai pu rĂ©colter au dĂ©but.

Je viens de suivre ta rotation pour tester et je remarque un truc que j’ai souvent : “le lancement de la plantation a Ă©chouĂ©â€.


Je sais que les devs sont au courant et bossent dessus mais il faudra vraiment plus d’informations.

Tu sais pourquoi je ne sais pas planter ? bon lĂ  on est en hiver aussi.

Update : je viens de faire le tour de mes fermiers. Un seul fermier n’a pas ses outils cassĂ©s. Je pense que je dois vraiment chercher dans cette voie.

Tu n’utiliserais pas un mod ?

Parce que 11 fermiers sur un champ, mĂȘme Ă  la taille maxi de 12X12, ils ne sont que 7.

Non, je ne savais mĂȘme pas qu’il existait des mods.

Quel est la taille de ton champ avec 11 fermiers ?

I’m not sure if they need tools for all farming activities but certainly for tilling and Field Maintenance but possibly farmers just require tools for everything as the current system may not be able to differentiate between different activities of a profession, just whether a profession requires tools or not.

Now, I produce tools.

But I think I have the solution
 there wasn’t any entries for my field because I put walls around to protect it from animals

So now, I see farmers. Some have tools and others not but all of them are working.

Ty !