Nothing nothing nothing6

nothing nothing nothing

  • I use Khonsar for pure Fire dam melee/range, not pet
  • Few magi rings has really bad stats/ resistances. Example only few aether builds can use Tawrot (combo Eternal Haunt and Albreach Duality rings are much better in many cases), Basti ring is often not better than -RR ring like Cursebearer/ Fallen Signet, Pierce/bleeding builds are prefer Belgothian ring than Orissia. Not many rings can be as good as Shuroth or Anubar
  • Sethris can be use in many retalliation builds or-if you like- straight physical builds. No one force you to use Black Matriarch or Coven storm, especially when the ring cover your lack stats/ resistance. Only remind that Black Matriarch is super good since its the only ring has -%RR physic res

It’s used in this build Simple/ly tanky - Octavius Warlord CR170/SR90/Ravager
These eyes from Magi rings should deal noticeable damage due to their life-time.

nothing nothing nothing

nothing nothing nothing

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