Of Nature's Bounty is almost impossible to get on a Gollus ring

It’s literally one of the rarest suffixes. I think this is one ring that deserves to have in the bias pool.


are you saying it’s not 100% intended that the most powerful regen affix is the lowest drop chance on the most powerful regen ring :woozy_face:
or just accidental because of the 2 affix pools setup?


Now I know why I have over 100 Gollus rings in my stash and not one has this suffix. :sob: Yet some how have five fucking Lichs of Alacrity


I mean… the ring becomes really OP with that affix so… the insane regen and +6 to Mogdrogen’s Pact are no joke
It would be used a lot and get nerfed as a result I would imagine

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it doesn’t. and it’s just weird that the regen ring doesn’t have the regen suffix in the bias pool.

Not worth rebalancing?!? Time for pitchforks!


There is no “regen” bias pool, and no plans to add one.


maybe in the 4th expansion tho :scorv:

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I suppose we have different definitions of OP then. I am ofc talking from a point of survivability. Two of those rings and 1 point of Mogdrogen‘s Pact already provide more health regen than a lot of endgame builds have Shaman, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

vs without the affix Shaman, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

+6 to Mogdrogen’s Pact :hugs:

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Could we at least get a bias for “of mending” to appear a bit more often ?

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It’s not a very good affix and barely makes a difference to the regen on the ring. Increasing the chance of a weak affix is effectively a nerf.

I disagree. It makes a very noticeable effect on health regen (Which is something you are looking for if you’re farming this ring)
As far as magic affixes go, it’s certainly better than “of corrosion” or “of thunder” to almost anyone.


There is no “regen” bias pool, and no plans to add one.

*iirc from Modal of mending is(was?) more weighted than thunder etc on accessory

yup, looks like

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Yup, of Mending having a bias is good. +1 from me. It is a Regen item, after all. So many bullshit rolls on this thing. I legit don’t even think it has a bias currently!

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There is no “regen” bias pool, and no plans to add one.

on non dmg biased accessory mending is already base higher chance than many other magick suffixes

looking at it, even on dmg biased accessory it has almost as high chance as the actual dmg biased magick suffix

and curiously enough turns out Balthazar medal doesnt’ have fire bias :sweat_smile:

of Mending weight was massively buffed, across the board, to go along with the improvements to health regen in 1.2. Even though there is no “regen bias” affix table, it’s weighted very heavily on every affix table. I personally think it’s about time to revert that change. Re-adjust "of Mending" weights?


This ring is BiS in a variety of warder/elementalist/commando builds who might want to find it with something like Tempest and of Readiness. Blazerush uses Gollus rings with very high OA in order to reliably proc Upheaval. I use Aggressive with of Shattered Reality on my veilkeeper druid and chaos savagery vindicator for the same reason.

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It dose.

Model’s tool:

Loottable file:


check the screenshot i posted? “it’s from modal’s tool” too
scorching is oodles below ruin

0,016 of schorching vs 0.6 ruin
*this trend was shared among more than just the Devastating prefix, and the rare phys dmg prefix also had higher % than non phys dmg fire affixes like aetherfire etc

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