Hey all! After the recent announcements made by Blizzard in regards to real money auction house, I’m looking to find a new home, and I think I found it.
This game looks amazing and I’m really excited to see how it turns out!
I have a question though. Is this game mostly multiplayer based and will I be able to see a list of games to join, or is it that I will only play with people I know.
The multiplayer system is highly likely to be the same as that of Titan Quest’s (if you’ve ever played it). You can set up a LAN/play over hamachi or join various online games. That said, you certainly won’t need an internet connection to play single player like our friends at Blizzard have decided to implement.
Based off of what Titan Quest had you can LAN the game without internet connection with multiple people. Have multiple LAN “servers” going at once on a network so you can join whatever one you wish as most LAN games allow. As for playing online, if it’s using the same system that Titan Quest had, you have a server browser for internet games so you can look through the various online games people are hosting for which you can join. They also listed the mod being used and any other details about that server, e.g. number of players, level range.
That being said, I’m not expecting Grim Dawn to have the exact same system as Titan Quest, which was using Gamespy I believe, though wouldn’t be a big surprise if it did.