Oleron's Blood overtuned for melee

Oleron’s Blood: 180 deg, 5 targets, level 30.

Seal of the Void: 150 deg, 3 targets, level 75.

Suggestion: Change OB to 140 deg, 3 targets.

So melee will have better AoE early on… What is bad about it?

Or make 4 targets on both WPS’…

And the behavior of components for 2h weapons vs. 1h weapons should finally be fixed… Why should dual melee get twice the wps chance and other bonuses… Buff all 2h weapons by doubling the component bonuses… Or allow 2h weapons to have two components instead of one…

Zantai rejected that several times with a “not gonna happen”, been suggested, asked, requested dozen upon dozen times through the years :sweat_smile:

i feel that’s a weird way to decide to base the arc/target amount on/base issue on with it, look at the skill/comp as a whole, not just lvl

Let’s hope that he will become rational on this issue at some time… So just keep trying :smiley:

I’d said you need to explain yourself a bit more

I didn’t test while lvling but I tested Oleron’s blood as a Warlord warborn build and it didn’t feel overtuned at all.

Seal of the void AOE actually feels better than the 3 targets.

Beside the lvl requirement of Oleron’s Blood which will affect some builds while lvling I don’t see the component overtuned for end-game. And to be fair, 3 vs 5 targets might not affect the killing speed that much (for Oleron’s blood) because ennemies don’t always get in buch of 5 all the time close to you in a 180 degree.

void has more %WD and flat dmg, and if you’re a fire/chaos build base comp also has more flats and %, and if not conversion alone might mean it/the wps still carries more flat than oleron, potentially translating to better aoe than mere targets might appear like :thinking:
(also arc+targets still have to contend with that innate “hit” jank, where +dmg and radius aoe of void is always straight up)

Sure. There ought to be a sense of progression when going from lower level items to higher level items. Those two components largely fill the same niche and so an apples to apples comparison can be made. It’s pretty clear (to me, at least) that going from OB to SotV is a pretty big downgrade in terms of overall capability largely stemming from the loss of AoE capability. And this is not even considering the DR.

Obviously in terms of damage types one might be more attractive than the other but if that’s normalised for the comparison, it’s a clear downgrade, at least to me.

but Oleron got like 125 “in-built” flat and no flat on component itself while Void has 242 flat plus 2-19 flat on component itself. And higher damage/as values.

From my experience this 2 less targets 30 degrees smaller angle can be barely felt. Void is still more damage.

But the flat on Void is split between fire and chaos, right?

Ultimately my argument is about what is appropriate for a level 30 component and at the moment I think it’s just too much for OB.

whetstones had 5 targets before the change, how is 5targets too much for level 30 on OB?

again, look at the component/skill as a whole… you’re (strangely) picking out a singular element as if inappropriate tied to level, when it’s only part of it

edit, actually, it’s the same as softcapped Necrotic, and Zolhan in terms of targets/arc, which is easily available before level 30 and doesn’t cost a bunch of seals to craft :sweat_smile:

in fact, battered shell has 3 target maximum and is a level 1 component :joy:

Right, if you don’t convert it it’s weaker obviously.

What you are saying sounds reasonable. But. I am not a levelling specialist but last time I have heard:

  • Levelling is super easy nowadays and takes not really that many hours if you know what you are doing, much faster if it’s your second+ character
  • Melee wps archetypes are kinda weak at early levels

So will those extra targets that make this component seem too strong for early levels really matter?

i’d almost wager that even after the change it will be used more on endgame setups than levelling setups, simply because of cost and opportunity.
Levelling builds are rarely struggling for wps, but also doesn’t have the same huge impact from it; stuff dies so fast anyway,
meanwhile having an actual 100% dmg component/coldstone etc can be like 20-10% more constant dmg.


It is imho rather expensive and was unlikely to be craft at level 30 if SSF. Even if 12 Seals of Binding (Blueprint: Oleron's Blood - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database) should now be easier to get at around lvl 50, having two would still need a bit of farming. So it would likely still only be available after the initial AoE lack has been overcome.

However, I almost never used the old one for levelling because of the crafting costs and because it was a another skill to cast …

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3 :seal:s now


than it is almost for free …

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I guess you could say that 180 deg/5 targets is Crate’s way of trying to address that weak early melee wps performance. Kind of a band-aid fix though.

Personally I find a sense of progression important; it just feels right for numbers to get bigger as you progress through the game. So going from 180/5 to 150/3 just doesn’t jibe with that.

Understandable but those components are not meant to be upgrades over each other - they just happen to occupy similiar niche.

16% proc vs 15%
140% wd vs 130%
4 speed vs 2
twice the flat

there’s your progression increase(s) :sweat_smile:

It’ll be very interesting to see what future WPS builds end up choosing if they aren’t fire/chaos/physical, especially if they aren’t converting from any of those.

Be glad that one more compenent is useful…