(Paladin) Aegis of Menhir and Reprisal CDR gameplay struggle

As for now i play my Aegis Paladin like this: LMB = Aegis , RMB = Jugdement , etc
I play this build as melee. (i only play melee, and i am lazy)

Now one can wonder why i dont use Righteous Fervor on LMB and put Aegis elsewhere to get buffed by this very potent Attack Replacer, while still be able to use Aegis etc.
Well, that gameplay is the only way for me to get the 24% (in my build atm) +100%
Skill Cooldown Reduction from Reprisal on Aegis perfectly. Otherwise i would not be able to accomplish to play out that function of Reprisal in any significant way if i dont use it as my main attack button (LMB). I just cannot react or recognize fast enough for this whole concept to work out. I am too bad of player?
Btw i dont like this mechanic at all. I guess i am too bad of a player.

How about holding Aegis button for a brief moment so that it fires multiple times if Reprisal is activated?
Or if you want just passive buffs from RF why not stack it to 6 charges to have it on for 12 seconds.