Paladin vs Purifier vs Shieldbreaker

Hello there!

Can’t decide between these 3 classes… I’ve only 1 char at 100 so I was hoping that someone with more experience can help me out?

Things to consider are:

-Tanky melee
-Uses both spells and autoattacks
-Caster off-hand as a stat stick, but a shield is also an option
-Fire, fire, fire

I like Inquisitor for it’s Seal, screen-wide devotion proc Word of Pain and Aura of Censure’s huge radius and RR, but recasting Word of Renewal is kinda meh.
Oathkeeper is nice for pets I get and Vire’s Might, also would use a shield too so I can throw it around and stuff.
Demo I just find alot of fun, mines are awesome now, Flame Touched and Vindictive Flame are just good for frontloading stats and Blast Shield can save my butt in melee, also I’d be using an off-hand here if possible.

So yeah that’s it, can’t decide which one, love all of them and since I plan to invest next entire 2 weeks into this character I’d appreciate if you guys could help me out.

Edit: forgot to mention devotions…

Fissure, Witchblade and Torch are main picks, rest goes into DA, res and other defensive stuff

iWonder: I haven’t tried the Paladin, yet. That is actually next on my list, then the Templar. I don’t have a L100, but I have several @ L50-52 and two at L60-62. I have a Purifier. I opted for the Twin Pistol attack. At L50 I am doing 11.1k dps, that’s just melting monsters. I am doing better at L50 with the Twin Pistols (both legit find Oathkeepers btw) vs. my Commando with a rifle at the same level. Granted my Commando was the first character I made, so I did fumble a bit in its creation. I didn’t use any guides, I just played the game. Both characters are Fire damage.

Speaking of Fire damage, I rolled a Shieldbreaker last night, only L11 so far. My plan is to go Twin Blades of Fire. Granted I will need to rely on a relic and I, obviously, will have to forgo any and all Fire Relics. That’s fine, it’s just a test. I have several Fire based weapons, most of them are duplicates, thought I would dust those off and give them a try. If the character doesn’t work, I’ll scrap it and move on to the Paladin.

Now the Paladin, granted it’s really by name only, is a bit hard for me to wrap my head around. In Grim Dawn it’s more of an Elemental Warrior. I am used to the Paladin being a Holy Warrior (AD&D, WoW, Diablo, Etc.) and Grim Dawn doesn’t even have Holy damage. So, that should be interesting.

From my limited experience, I am sure others with far more experience will provide you with all the pros/cons and stats that you need, I would go with the Purifier. Especially if you like range characters and/or you haven’t made a Twin Pistol character yet. It really is a lot of fun.

I’d go with Shieldbreaker here. Paladin and Purifier are more squishy instead of tanky and Purifier are best at range

Melee auto attack is… well interesting build. I have tried Paladin but for this style Shieldbreaker is more suited.Rune of Kalastor and Judgement Paladin…hmmm. Paladin can be very strong caster or Aegis build. Shieldbreaker have the best synergy for fire, especially if you go with off-hand and reset stuff with Vanity. Bombs/mines/cocktails/judgement can be fun combo. But then you have as option Purifier or Sorc, so tough to say. But:

  • melee - Shieldbreaker
  • caster - Shieldbreaker or Sorc
  • shield - Paladin
  • ranged - Purifier

For such purposes there is the Compendium

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It’s about what gear you have. Can you farm with your first character? Do you have the blueprints etc. If you have mythical justicar pieces and blueprint, go for shieldbreaker.

arivus: Funny you should say that. I just made a Shieldbreaker. Haha. Only 11 atm, but talk about coincidence. Now granted I am trying for more of a dps build, 2 fire swords, vs. tank build. It’s more of a test character really. If it works, it works. If not, then I will delete it and make a Templar. Then again, I already have 2 sword and board characters, a Dervish (Using Perdition set) and a Death Knight. Of course neither of them is anywhere near as tanky as my Witchblade w/a 2-handed mace.