Considering the item already gives you OA and Crit, having such a high, stackable, DA reduction made it a huge damage increase.
From one extreme to another?
It isn’t meant to. It has such great generic stats that most any build can use. If it was the equal to most of the myth amulets, which are limited to their build orientation, it would be too good and everyone would use it. Which they do.
I got it from the Celestial Smith on one of my first tries. I think the Petrify skill would come in handy against tough enemies, but I suspect it would not work on most bosses. Even so it is something I can see being useful for casters mostly, not in a hectic melee fight. Frankly otherwise, I’d much rather use an amulet that belongs to and boosts a set than a separate one, unless it has some really cool skill boost, like the Mythical Bonds of Bysmiel’s +1 extra Raven.
Are you serious? -150 OA means basically a 150 DA increase to you and -150 DA means a 150 OA increase to you. It’s huge.
The stats in the pic are broken as shit. 26% crit damage is too much for a single item and 4% Total speed is way too good. This combined with 90 flat OA and +1 to all skills, makes it broken. A lot builds already use this amulet, this would just make it mandatory.
-150 OA wasn’t impactful when everyone was lacking some 400 DA to keep up with mobs. And mobs had 50% all res on ultimate by default (currently 18% I think).
For current game I believe last nerf wasn’t necessary. Its a castable skill with cooldown, there must be a reason to put it on a hotkey and waste time casting.
More accurately, weird builds which don’t have a better option use that amulet because it’s utterly generic, and no one uses the skill. Even before it was nerfed, there was an opportunity cost, as mammothhunter points out. +26% crit was the only stat that needed to be toned down.
No one uses? Do you know what each player is using or not? A lot of builds in the build section with this amulet use the skill as a devotion proccer and the - flat OA is an effective DA increase. Taking a split second to cast it is worth it just for that.
Weird builds? A majority of the more popular builds use this amulet because, let’s face it, the majority of the legendary amulets are terrible. Very few are actually worth it and there’s a few that you are forced to use if you want the final set proc (like Ulzuin amulet, Ultos Gem and Agrivix amulet). The only ones besides Beronath that are actually good are like Avatar of Mercy, Avenger of Cairn and maybe Valdun amulet. Maybe i’m missing a few more, but the good/bad ratio with legendary amulets is skewed towards bad.
It also doesn’t matter how it was back then, if the amulet goes back to being like that, it would just get nerfed again.
And PRM has been shit ever since the Unmake nerf. :rolleyes:
I miss that version of the skill.
I’m the one who made the suggestion to nerf the granted skill, so I guess I’ll chime in. The -OA on its own was not so significant, but in conjunction with other OA-reducing items/skills it proved to just be too strong, especially for an amulet that is already supremely strong in general. So I suggested the values be toned down somewhat. I suggested -70 and -90 for the non-Mythical/Mythical versions, Crate did -70, -80.
“A majority of the more popular builds?” Do you know how many players are using them? How? Have you taken a poll adjusted by patch version?
(See how irritating that is?)
More seriously, people tend to post unique (ie, “weird”) builds on the forums. That’s because no one needs a guide for a straightforward build which has its own straightforward itemization. Peerless gets used when there are no better options, which is fairly often when you’re mixing classes which don’t intuitively go together, and/or need a fair amount of conversion to make them work. Therefore, you’re pre-selecting the kinds of builds you’re assessing when you make this kind of statement based on what you see posted.
I’ll give you the total speed along with the overly high +crit on the pre-nerf version.
Except in my case i actually have evidence to back up my statement, by just taking a look at the build section. Sure, it’s not all builds, but it’s pretty common for a build final setup to have Beronath amulet.
Don’t really agree with people posting “weird builds”, at least they are not very common. Because Crucible is used by a lot of people for build validity (i despise this), builds lately tend to have rehashed concepts and are little too homogenized. Mainly because Crucible is so restrictive and build limiting because due to how much defense you need to just survive there.
The main reason why a lot of people use Beronath because i already said above, the majority of legendary amulets suck. That and the stats of Beronath amulet are way too good to pass up.