Pet Damage types (Maya and Dusk builds)

I’m leveling a Pet Conjurer and was wondering what damage type was the consensus best and most importantly, “why?” A lot seem to be going for elemental, but pet devotions seem to revolve around bleed. Anyone familiar with those types of builds that could shed some light on it?

Best in terms of what?

Yeah, that’s a good question. I meant to write “best,” with the quotations, since I’m curious as to why people are choosing their particular damage types, specifically in pet builds.

I guess it would be “best” in terms of “does more damage,” but also I play hardcore only, so I would want to sacrifice as few defenses as possible.

Was not answered in your previous thread?

But you should probably ask “if I have to choose one damage type what would it be” and i guess also depending on gear etc. Most of the people posting their builds do various types for the sake of diversity and comparison. I guess you are more of casual just wanna do one pet build, right?

My “precious thread?” Previous?

I meant at end game, most of the conjurers seem to be elemental, whereas at base value, a Conjurer looks better for Vitality or Bleed. Why, then, do most end game builds seem to focus on Lightning?

And, yes, I’d say I’m fairly casual. This is the only game I play, but I set a New Years Resolution to try to save $5000 a month and have been working quite a lot this year.

yeah previous, auto correct on mobile :slight_smile: sorry

what kind of statistics have you made? I know lightning was popular way back though. I’d say chaos is the strongest damage type for pets these days, at least in terms of damage potential.

Bleed is strong, many bleed pets builds posted.

Vitality is gonna be slow, because hard to convert damage and mobs have high resistance to vitality in general and will thus be slow, and people usually do not post slow builds here. I mean I posted physical (with almost no bleed dmg) pet conjurer, which is considered a very weak damage type for pets - still that build rocks imo (because pet builds rocks in general).

Regardless of what you decide to play, it also boils down to what gear you have, will get and are willing for farm for. And regardless if you go elemental / lightning or chaos, bleed etc you will be fine.

That is lot of money, let’s hope loyalist pack 3 will be released soon so you have something to spend your money on :slight_smile:

I haven’t, just anecdotal. I was brought here by an old armored otter video from a lightning Duskdeep88 Conjurer and I looked at Maya’s Conjurer which was also elemental and based upon 2 data points I decided that was the pattern.

I guess I can always respec the devotions and what not later. Right now, Ishtok looks great for Pet survivability and damage, while being directly adjacent to tree of life for tons of life sustain.

Lol. Just trying to pay off my mountains of debts (they’re “good” debts, but it’s just way too much for my tastes).