Pet Threat

Hey. I am playing a warder focusing on lightning with storm totem. Works really well right now, However i did face an issue as i entered elite. Killing one of the 3 bosses from an early quest in act 1 took me 10 minutes i did nothing to him.

As i read the replies to the build i’m following i noticed something that makes sense. The build has no reduction to resists so they recommended to get Crown devotion instead of cold lightning one i had (think it’s called typhoon or similar.)
And Another one for some arcane bomb.

Checked the devotions and doing it forces me to drop some stuff like viper but looking at it it was only for the vit resist and i also had to drop empty throne to pick another devotion for enough to take crown.

The build also is kinda complete by lvl 75 in points and have some spare points to be put were needed depending on your needs and such.

I was thinking of putting those towards the pet shaman has and the one skill that give additional threat.
Reason is since the loss of empty throne i would lose 15% stun reduction time, I am not sure how good that is as i’m a new player.

The basic question is if the pet is going to do anything when i’m not focusing on it at all.
I know i could have made this post far shorter but i figured telling you more you might see something i am missing.

The pet will do no damage, die instantly, and struggle to tank a swift breeze for you. Don’t worry too much about stun res loss, as long as you have medium value it’s ok for campaign. Only want/need it capped for crucible

You 100% need Widow (arcane bomb)+raging tempest (wind devil modifier for RR) or Widow+Crown in devotions. I suggest the former as it offers 10 more -lightning res. Tempest/crown types of resist reduction won’t stack so pick 1 of the two.

Resist reduction is the easiest and best way to boost damage, not taking them is out the question :stuck_out_tongue:

Pets do nothing without support in the late game. Early game, they’re fine! You can play all of normal with a maxed out Briarthorn without any other support to it and do fine. Elite will start to show some slow down with damage being low without support and resistances. Ultimate, you have to have lots of support for a pet to do anything. That said, pets are still nice in that they provide interference.

As mentioned in the thread; if you find you’re not doing enough damage to things with resistances there are two ways to approach it. You either look for stuff to pump up your lightning and electrocution damage. Or, you look for ways to lower enemy resistances to your damage type. If you look at Devotions, since anyone can use those and do not require you to find a special item (against the spirit of the thread), you see Rhowan’s Crown & Widow providing nice enemy resistance reduction. The devotions in the thread were just where I went; I was able to find enough lightning damage to be ok without major resistance issues. Some fights were longer, but, being tanky made it doable without specific gear.

Totally ok to rework devotions and work one in with enemy resistance reduction. Widow probably is the ideal one. Frankly don’t need turtle, so you can harvest there if you want!

Very best,

It’s your build i’m following Mal. I have been working on the solution Tomo said with the raging tempest and widow.

And devotions are hard i still don’t have a solid picture on how to do them. i had to drop spear of the heavens as i can’t get enough to get the requirements for it. But replacing it with kraken almost covers the sweet 180% lightning from spear. As it sits now i have 4 remaining points out of 50 but i understand i might not ever get max points as ultimate might not be possible as a newbie to complete. But i suppose ill change the devotions alot to cover my weaknesses.

There are a lot of combinations you can go with for devotions. Devotions help you buffer what you need while you wait to pick up equipment. You can choose devotions for increasing damage (via all damage or lightning/electrocution damage) as listed. Or you can use devotions to fill in the survival gaps for resistances, life, etc. Or you can mix a little of both until you find things.

Once you build reputation with the factions and get access to augments you’ll find you can substitute a lot of resistances that way on all your gear types from various faction augments even at honored, with more at revered. Especially useful for the hard to find ones, like aether & chaos.

Also, take a look at vendor items like Kymon’s Chosen. A lot of their gear has lightning damage built in, plus resistances, high armor, etc. You want to stack up high armor, resistances, life and as much lightning/electrocution damage as you can.

Components can also be added to either increase lightning damage, or resistances, or buffer anything else. So you can add a component & an augment to each item to help scale things out.

If you get high enough resistances, you can focus on devotions for damage.

The beauty is you can re-spec at any time, so you can start one way, finish another.

Another option is to completely transform the build from lightning to vitality damage as you have that option too. Then look at devotions that enhance vitality damage for example. Lots of options! That comes from the Corruption transmuter to Storm Totem and push Blood Pact. You can then also get some interesting life leach going on too that helps with survival.


Being new to the game and facing Ultimate, the only thing that is different is resistances. As long as you’re comparable level to your foe, it’s not a big deal. But truly the biggest difference is having high resistances with the penalty. Everything hurts a lot more when you’re in the negative. So ultimate is about stacking resistances so that you survive first, and then build in some damage from there. This particular build is pretty safe because you don’t need specific gear, just stuff with lightning damage and resistances. Stack it all together as you find it (most come from vendors, craft, etc). I found that in Ultimate when my damage on my Totem hit around 4~5k, Ultimate was a breeze for clearing speed. So I just made sure my resistances were as high as possible. There’s no secret to Ultimate. If you played normal/elite, Ultimate is the same, just with even more penalties to resistances. Everything else should be scaling with it on its own per your character level and your items should also be slowly replaced to higher level from higher level vendors/factions. The last thing is just dealing enough damage, because they too have high resistances.

Very best,