Physical damage so far (March 21 - 4th update)

You can’t say that there are lots of devotion routes you can choose and simultaneously say that none of them can afford to have increased leech. I’m not going to pretend I know the “enemy’s armor” “meta” (I admit that claiming everything is a “meta” is dull), but I’d much prefer seeing changes to physical damage skills like Cadence before doing the dance of “let’s stuff the most convenient stats to the devotions we were going to take anyway and then pretend there’s diversity in devotion pathing.”

On a somewhat related note, I’d love to see the Mace constellation and the Sword constellation to be completely reworked. Axe is in a really good spot with the Healing Effects and tertiary resistances buff, Off-hand devotion is very good for general stats and Energy regeneration, and Hydra is now amazing for ranged builds. I’d like to see similar stacked effects for Maces and Swords so that weapon choice can actually be a factor in determining what to use in a particular build.

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That is exactly what I am saying. Adtch is really out of the way for Physical devotion setups, if you are taking it you are for sure sacrificing something. You can go to my Youtube channel and watch Physical builds videos from different time periods and see all those devotion maps yourself.

There is no meta, there is just mechanics of armor and physical damage.

I would love that, Sword is a pierce devo and it would very much help Pierce builds. It’s not a bad devo for Pierce melee but feels like it loses to Berserker

Yes…thats literally what im complaining about…?

Well, you’re the only one, that mechanic helps increase your damage against very resistant enemies

Updated feedback with Ranged Warlord.

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why can’t you use some of them?
RR is not hard to get? like, assassin’s blade is literally a tier 1 you also use for affinity
you can even make meme devos and still get RR because outside Rattosh all RR devos are cheap…
what devos can’t you get currently, that RR is preventing you from obtaining? - if you have issues with a feature/system come with actual examples where current mechanics/devotions are hamstringing your build

I doubt it.

So for cold casting, you seem to have to also wrap it in with lightning. You also generally to be viable have to get a bunch of devotions for rr many for generic elemental.

As well if you want to use the blind sage for lightning and fire you end up being detrimented because as an ending constellation it doesn’t have rr in it so you have to source it elsewhere and not be able to boost your general elemental damage or attributes because you HAVE to go with other devotions that have rr and lead into your desired end constellation. So you have to choose between an end constellation with rr or you have to get it in lead up devotions which often doesn’t have the things you need or want aside from the rr leading up to the end constellation. Least thats what it seems to me.

Not true at all but if you guys wish to continue this discussion I kindly ask you to do it somewhere else and not flood this thread.

But it is true.

I’m seeing that many builds are leaving out turtle, so devotion was widely used for physical resistance and not for damage absorption?
and in the case of your dk, how good does that armor increase feel, which is quite

Yeah in the current test patch Turtle lost quite a bit of value with the loss of physical resist and hp. Suddenly without CDR chonky DA from Solemn Watcher is looking like a much better value for money.

I think Turtle will still be used by CDR builds (that also don’t meet devotion requirements of Watcher), but it won’t be as prevalent as it was before. Which is a good thing because it was a little too strong for T1 devotion.

39xx before Ulzaad. Feels okay untill you fight bosses.


I’m gonna say even 5k armor matter very little if you pull a strong combo of bosses and don’t have enough sustain.

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Time to really bloatmaxx that OA. Who needs crit damage now?

Do you think that with all the changes that have occurred, DK Warborn is at the level of the saboteurs?

Not really. Despite having high effective DA and high armor and high damage reduction it still suffers from leech problems sometimes and then 21% phys res feels like not enough even with 3900 armor.

Tried Warborn Warlord with trauma color like this: Warlord, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Dmg is good, sustain is not. Same problem as with all low phys res builds. 17% is just too low. And no real way to get more. In live you had access to 4% * 2 seals, 5% from Doom, 4% from Turtle, 5% from Fromidable = total 39% phys res. Compared to 17% it’s 26% less phys dmg taken before armor (even more after armor).

Aside from enemy phys dmg still being a problem, i think the Warborn set needs a little more work. Dmg it provides is good. But defences are appaling: the entire set grants 0 DA and 5% phys res. Basically all the bonuses from the set come down to some skillpoints and as%.
I suggest replacing set flat bonus with 100 DA, giving the helmet or chest a DA roll and replacing weird Oleron rage mod with 6% global leech. Leech is very important for unstable Cadence and low WD EoR. And the set already grants mods to two Soldier skills.


+1 to add some ADctH to warborne set, somehow it really lacking it


Checked how my DK feels in 1.2.1. Armor increased by 500 units, but physical resistance decreased to 13%, it was 30%. Overall I didn’t feel any strong problems with survivability in standard endgame 75-76 and 150-170, but the iron maiden was very dangerous, it would be good if the iron maiden had reduced trauma damage and reduced its damage reduction rate for the character.

75 SR
76 SR
85 SR
GT: Death Knight, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

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so, I tested Spellscourge again after all defensive buffs. long story short, its tankiness is back to, I’d say, very good. the damage, tho, is not. my average runs are ~ 6 mins, even tho I’m rushing and playing as bold as I can.

the latest buffs to BA did very little, in fact (like 10% wd and some DoT increase?). the only way for this build to run fast is, well, to literally rn fast and try to gather as much enemies as possible, since solo-damage from BA sucks, and Deva isn’t much of a help against small targets.

what I suggest?

  • replace the -% manacost to BA with a more meaningful mod. I’ve been asking about this for more than a year, I think - BA costs almost nothing already even w/o this energy reduction. it would be nice to have some crit for it, instead, as build lacks it severely and can’t really capitalize on that OA.

So, having either some fat crit to BA or as a whole set bonus would be nice.

  • increasing flat (and maybe flat RR to 30 or 32) can be a solution;
  • Devastation can get some love too. damage on it is nice, but adding extra radius to it would be nice, so it can hit more targets/hit smaller enemies a bit more often.