Physical OFF

New MIs will be created for FoA. OFF has -% phys res. MI with physical modifier for OFF for Battlemage would be nice and could open at least some meme options. It is not used in GD at all.

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generally not opposed to the idea, but mostly curious how it would ever be remotely useful the way OFF mechanic works?
since the freeze stacking exploit fix it’s been basically entirely useless for RR application. Enemies it does apply to die asap, enemies it have use on only has it active for like 0.7-8sec/less than a sec :confused:
Recently tried doodling it up for burn application but so hard to actually time to make use of because the gap/window is so tiny

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You can easily create SR 80 builds for OFF + some fire skill.

yes you can create it, but not actually utilize it anymore after freeze got fixed. because the duration is so short, and the RR is directly tied to freeze duration

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You never needed that expolit. It was just good for very high SR but on this level it is just fine as it is.

good how “when the RR doesn’t apply” ? and you clearly want it for RR :sweat_smile:
what am i missing? what are you managing to accomplish in terms of dmg application in 0.8secs with a 4sec cd?
like i said, i just tried making a burn build with it and it was entirely pointless because it just doesnt’ work RR wise anymore, or rather is so tiny it’s meaningless, and the extremely brief window makes it hard to proper apply the dmg in the right timeframe since it only counts in that specific time


Play some and you will see that it is fine. Not the fastest but fine.

i have, that’s why i’m saying it’s meaningless and i dont’ understand what you mean and want you to explain to me what you think :joy:
ffs it’s not complicated i literally just spelled it out for you in details, twice

allow me to ask a third time
when enemies you want the RR to apply on, only has the RR active for like 0.8 secs “because it’s tied to their freeze res”; what can you accomplish in that 0.8 sec dmg wise, let alone timing wise to be effective and or not a giant pita to time right/any and all dot you have to apply must be applied in that 0.8sec window
*and that’s obviously while also ignoring the handful of bosses it’s 100% immune against

“what am i missing” here? - to make it actually work post freeze fix and or even useable RR wise now it can’t last longer now

With Mageslayer you have it for like 1,3 seconds for nemeses. And a long time for non nemesis. It is fine. Not awesome but fine.

6s freeze for 22/12. Freeze res is 133% for nemeses and -55 % from gear. It gives you 1,3 seconds for nemeses.

yes, purely on full mageslayer, and nothing else :smile:
you can’t use mageslayer on phys now can you? so it’s the same as non mageslayer fire RR OFF builds

and doing full mageslayer basically prevents you from making any XY non foi etc builds

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And you can easily do mageslayer + any fire skill…

you can’t do any non foi fire skills “great”, you can do them halfarsed sure, but how does this translate to general use or phys builds :sweat_smile: - because they have that very same issue

You can do it for SR 80. I have many.

For phys some MI that does similar thing is needed.

you can do basically anything for sr 80, i’m not talking top20, but i’m also not taking such meme candidates like acid trozan would fall in
and i fail to understand how trying to use it for phys RR would be any different than that because of OFFs inherent sucky mechanic post freeze exploit “as dedicated builds are already in meme territory because they suffer from the freeze fix”

It would be useful as memes. And memes are fine with OFF for me. No need for exploit. Absolute Zero skill has no support at all in the game…


alright, so that’s what it is then, meme status acceptable skill request, “i get that”/i can get on board with that then :sweat_smile: - been so many “serious” build requests lately i guess i just assumed it was in similar direction

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And I am for slight bump for Mageslayer. It has - 55 % freeze res on it in total. 45 % got shifted to OFF but it is hard to get 22/12 even with Mageslayer if you use non FOI builds. 65 % total and -20 % on Mageslayer instead of current -10 % would be a nice bump.



I’d like to see the phys RR not be tied to the freeze duration. That’s what the tooltip of Absolute Zero suggests it already does.

More generally the issue with OFF is that the flat damage and the RR are tied to the freeze duration. Being able to consistently cc mobs that are supposed to be challenging is inherently problematic. If these were uncoupled from each other the damage could be adjusted like any other skill.


In that case we would need a RTX OFF, too.