You get 1 in each difficulty as quest reward, so 3 in total guaranteed.
Also a possible drop from Nemesis monsters.
The item in question :
You get 1 in each difficulty as quest reward, so 3 in total guaranteed.
Also a possible drop from Nemesis monsters.
The item in question :
You are right to emphasize the potion to reset attributes is AoM-only, i took it for granted that it’s available so it could be misleading for new players.
We can expect more skill points in the expansion so build should be even stronger after that.
Finally completed the entire game. And now, I can say with 100% confidence that there isn’t anything ingame as of this post that can’t be done with “The Headless Chicken”. It smashes through everything GD has to offer while being extremely friendly for your fingers and brain :p.
Lokarr :
This shouldn’t be a surprise since we took down Moggy and Ravager, but the fight was incredibly easy and tbh Ulgrim put up more of a challenge. Shame on you Loky, a cook survived longer than you did with a broken arm…
The Mad Queen :
Went to fight her since everyone seems to make a big deal out of her. She was quickly surrounded and died in a blink, so no idea if she got nerfed heavily or if I am missing something here.
Now with the new expansion around the corner, we wait for more gods to kill and an endless dungeon to conquer.
I want to kill more gods while derping, so hopefully FG will have more celestials too
I would personally take the two tree nodes and complete the Light of Empyiron constellation. Increasing your pets’ maximum resistances by 5% reduces their incoming damage by 25% (150 damage per every 1000 unresisted compared to 200) and I’ve found the proc very helpful when you’re surrounded by a lot of trash mobs and can’t orient yourself to escape perilous AoE pools.
You drop from 24,000 Health to 22,500 Health, but I don’t see that as a major loss, especially since you have BoD and Tree of Life to help you.
Great job with the build. It’s great to see pet builds succeed that use different devotion set-ups from the standard established builds.
This might come as a surprise, but Empyrion’s proc actually got me killed
See, even if you keep spamming CoF, you usually generate very little aggro. But whenever Empyrion proc’ed, it was like kicking a hornet’s nest. The dmg reduction did not help.
Also, pets became alot squishier even with blessings and died alot. I am guessing that is due to the loss of hp regen from Tree’s right node.
Another problem is that Empyrion will only proc if you get hit in melee. Meaning, it won’t be of much help against most Nemesis monsters which is where you are going to find yourself needing it the most.
Then again, all this is based on my experience which is to say in other words, after playing like a blind man. Someone with better piloting skills might see more use out of it.
Great job with the build. It’s great to see pet builds succeed that use different devotion set-ups from the standard established builds.
My inability to succeed with the established builds gave rise to the headless chicken
Can now Farm Crucible within 12 min (added the build to the OP).
Also added a no greens version.
The chicken grows more powerful with each passing moon
How did you level this lazy style?
I didn’t. I was too lazy to level it, so GDstashed the entire thing
But go for whatever you feel comfortable with. It is a pet build, you can’t really go wrong here
Pretty good build but i’ve hit hard wall with Loghorrean on ultimate. I just can’t seem to pull out enough damage. I killed his 2 hero adds, fight progressing reasonably but then at 30% it just all stops (and then ofc when you die, his health resets back to that 30% or something). The amount of mobs summons is too much.
I don’t have great gear for sure, nowhere near that but aside from this guy i am breezing through the game without any problems what so ever (lvl 87 atm).
If you post a GrimTools link with your current setup, someone can probably offer you some advice.
Hm… Log will sometimes 1HitKO your pets but other than that he should be easy even with the no greens setup. Do upload your current build to grimtools and post us a link here.
Just a random note for whomever may find it useful: You can upload “player.gdc” from the character’s save folder directly to Grimtools to save some time.
I love the lazy gameplay of this build and really enjoy the concept but got some questions:
I don’t have a Chaos conjurer/cabalist. You are thinking of a different user. All I can say is I personally found those builds terrible to play.
I found the extra Aether/Chaos res more useful to me than the 8% Phy. res you get from Seal. But you can use either.
Same reason as above. I don’t need the phy. res from it.
I assume you’re referring to my conjurer/cabalist builds. The damage output from my builds is much higher. His builds have more HP and HP regen, less physical resist, and roughly the same armor, DA, and other resistances.
The skelefamiliar cabalist isn’t the most sustainable crucible farmer (no pet cabalist is) because it’s hard to keep all the skeletons alive, and once they start dying they lose their crucible buffs and die a lot faster.
The chaos conjurer is more reliable, but still requires some micromanagement to maximize effectiveness.
Extra pet aether/chaos resistance can be useful in the crucible, as there are some powerful enemies that have significant RR. If you pilot actively and know which things to kill/watch out for it’s not an issue, but if you are less experiences it might be useful to have them. Those resistances are mainly an issue for the Briarthorns. The Familiars tend to do fine without, and Primal Spirit is temporary anyway.
Lightning-based Builds are more flexible with Devotions because they don’t lose as much from not taking Dying God, so if you’re looking for something in between you could try something like this which uses the 5th node of Light of Empyrion to boost those resistances without some of the other sacrifices. (alt more offensive devotions setup).
Either way, it’s probably overkill to use Purified Salt + Imbued Silver on top of Mogdrogen’s Ardor. If you do find you need more pet aether/chaos resist than my builds provide, the components may be a better way to go than using Mogdrogen’s Ardor over Primal Instinct.
Another very effective way to keep you/pets alive is Wendigo Totem. This thread has a bunch of examples of builds using it. This build is the most effective of the bunch.
That’s why I love GD community. I have mistakenly compared your build with sigatrev’s and in return got a competent answer from both of you
So in short: sigatrev’s chaos conjurer will clear faster but Maya’s physical one would have more chillout gameplay. Tough call for me…
Thanks alot guys!
Made a small change and got that AotG for extra phy.res so you can be tankier. Also uses Seal of Blades.
Btw, I feel like I should make one thing clear. Sig’s builds don’t use greens. Means they are far more easier to gear up for.
TBH gearing is not an issue for me, I like farming things. The big one however is gameplay and tankiness. I just can’t relax while having to keep track of 10 skills and devo procs. I would love to be able to farm endgame content including 170 crucible with more relaxed gameplay, even at the cost of clearing times.
Then the Headless chicken and its cousin the Flying Dodo will serve you well
(Dodo is a bit faster at the cost of a bit of tankiness and the loss of a cute pet also known as the Mini-Kubacabra.)
Thanks guys, i asked friend and killed it in MP (crutch eh?). But now i am checking that this is g5 build. I am nowhere near that which is likely source of the problem here. Since i am running around in crap gear i don’t think it’s worth posting but i’ll see when i get home (if i remember).
The greens aren’t necessary at all to kill Log or even for completing glad Crucible. The no green version of the build given in the OP will breeze through the campaign if all you are missing is the Weapon and Off-hand. But if you lack the purple items as well, then that might change things.
EDIT: Also updated the no green version to be tankier in general.