I’am currently leveling my first char, a lvl 76 savagery warder and this is my final build plan : grimcalc.com/build/2TIgVv1 (without gear bonus).
Assasin’s mark is linked to savagery
Giant blood, Turtle and Healing rain are linked to Primal bond, Mogdrogen pact and Field command
I dont have Maul yet (from dire bear), but i’ll maybe link it to Wendigo totem.
> What do you think of this build ? will it be enough for end game Ultimate ?
Currently, I kinda lack of AOE damage and some resistance but i didnt have much problem in the act1, i can face-tank most of the time.
> Since i mainly do physical damage, maybe i can switch savagery for cadence ?
For my stuff, i try to focus on Physical damage then Resistances and some ADctH.
I have a few legendery like Lifegiver Signet, Boneweave Leggings, Boneweave Girdle, 3/4 Justicar set (for the resistance and defense bonus) and an old Guillotine for weapon.
> What do you think ? Should i focus on Ultos set for the chaman and lightning bonus or Markovian for the soldier and physical bonus ?
Or maybe both…or none
Ultos give lot of bonus for primal strike but i dont use it…
Markovian give lot of bonus for shield but i dont use it…
The biggest thing that sticks out to me is defensive devotions. With a build as tanky as a warder, you are better off going for Oleron instead of Tree of Life. I would keep savagery if I were you; it is still better even after all the buffs Cadence got. The build is solid for the most part. You are really missing out by not taking break morale on a physical build. The points in Squad Tactics should be put in Field command. Neither the Ultos set nor the Markovian set are good for this build. Take a look at the link for more information.
Use none.
The only set worth mentioning for physical Warder, is Justicar Armor, though it’s still not even close as good as Markovian or Ultos for appropriate builds. Because of that, physical Warder isnt very strong in endgame - just because he doesnt have access to really powerful set items, designed for him.
Your best bet is to use a combination of random legendaries, MI with good properties, etc.
Cadence is actually OP now. Not even Cadence itself, but deadly Momentum. If you max out Blitz as well - take Cadence.
I feel a bit squishy right now and i like to facetank (kind of lazy :D), thats why i take so much defensive devotions…
I can’t facetank ultimate Gutworm without healing rain for exemple :s
Even with all my attack convert to health item.
So, i’ve read the entire post off FireBird109 (thx by the way), it’s appear that Cadence and Blade ark are ok too, i’ll give a try.
But i cant do the same build as jajaja right now cause i dont have Leviathan, which is a Mace and rowan scepter work only with maces.
Quick question, Assassin’s mark on wendigo totem is worth it ? the devotion proc only from crit and i dont see much crit from the totem…
Any advice for oleron rage against Primal bond ?
cause i didnt invest 50 points soldier and dont want to screw my build
Are you suggesting to switch to a more ‘classic’ Ultos warden build for endgame farming ?
If you are going to use Blindfury from Oleron constellation, Oleron’s Rage is the better buff. Blindfury only procs from crits and Oleron’s Rage boosts OA by a lot, meaning it will proc more often due to the high OA.
I’m pretty sure a physical Warder can clear the entire endgame (the rouge dungeons, Mad Queen and the Nemeses). So no need to switch to Ultos set, specially when Ultos set focuses on lightning.
Only if you have all those OP legendaries, that give him an advantage.
I mean, look at Eye of the Storm relic! It provides 250% lightning damage! This bonus alone is incredibly strong for a single item, and it also provides +1 to skills, 1-76 flat lightning damage, 8% attack speed, -10% energy cost and 72 spirit. All those stats suit lightning shaman just PERFECTLY! Only because of item disparity, lightning build is strong in endgame.
I have 2-h physical Savagery conjurer. He is the same to Savagery warder, but has higher DPS due to CoF resist reduction. Cant say he’s weak defensively, but his DPS feels underwhelming sometimes. It’s nice build, but not the best one, for sure. Completed full game, had no problems with ultimate Phabius, etc (except somewhat slow killing time).
Witchblade has much higher DPS AND survivability too.
Oleron’s Rage is overall better for farming easy content (more AoE with crit procs, higher movespeed), and Primal Bond is bette for harder content (stable damage bonus and damage reduction).
deleted all savagery line to get Cadence, figthing form and deadly momentum.
added Blade arc and Laceration
downgraded squad tactics for field command
and finaly added break moral
and…WOW !
When deadly momentum is on, with Fighting spirit and badge of mastery, i can crit between 20k and 40k with my level 78, low geared, warder…
If at the same time, i manage to debuff with break moral and assassin mark, i can lay more than 60k in one hit.
Amazing crit with Blitz too.
I’m still not sure about Blade arc, maybe i need more +soldier skill to be efficient with.
And i dont feel a huge difference in survability (i can facetank ultimate cronley)
For now, i need more crit chance, cause assassin mark on Upheaval doesn’t proc often :s
With a better stuff, i’ll delete healing rain for more dps
I lack of aoe too, but i play with a fire gunslinger so it’s not a problem, i’am just here to tank the bosses
are you using clean sweep transmutter on blade arc? If you’re using Cadence as your auto-attach and are using blade arc, it is a good idea to pick up clean sweep. It is fine to be on a cool down because the damage will be worth it… some points in laceration will help produce some nice big crits for BA too…
Going the cadence route does lose some AoE. Your WPS(big source of AoE) proc less often as your third swing is the cadence swing and fighting form is not a big AoE. Are you able to and did you get Oleron’s constellation? Blind fury will be a big source for AoE. If you don’t have enough point for it yet, Bull Rush might help. It isn’t that strong and I probably wouldn’t recommend it in a final build, but it should help with some AoE for leveling until you can spec into blind fury. I think your last spec had Maul, which is another decent source. Blade Arc should help too, especially with clean sweep. Just don’t waste it on small packs if you see bigger ones coming… I also assume you have blind side on blitz? Remember you can use that even if you’re standing next to the mob for more AoE…
I’d rather adviced to use Cadence and Blitz then, and switch to 1h+shield. Menhir’s bulwark+deadly momentum add TONS of flat damage, so fast one-hander will be no worse than slow 2-hander. And blitz hits with both weapon and shield, dealing much higher damage than Blade Arc. It’s also a movement skill and skill to reduce enemy DA.
Yes i have Clean sweep and i use blade arc + blitz (with blindside) + war cry on cool down against big oponent.
But as i said, my friend play a Gunslinger pyromencer, with mortar and metor shower, so trash and aoe arent a real problem
> By the way, is there any explanation on how the aggro work in grim dawn ? even if i dps a boss to 50% alone, if my friend shoot two bullets he take the agro back :s
I’am afraid about my survivability if feral hunger proc less and if i take blind fury instead of healing rain and all my blue def devotion (eel, lizard, sailor…)
I’ll maybe wait for more stuff (i need the leviathan !) and try later…
That’s quite a lot of skills to learn. I’m not sure you’ll have enough skillpoints for all of them, and many useful passives. In my opinion, Warcry is bad because cooldown is too long (7.5 seconds, while effect lasts for 5 seconds only). Blade Arc+Clean Sweep ibarely worth your points because Blitz does pretty the same job, plus reduces enemy DA and provides mobility.
You have Wendigo Totem, dude! Max it out - it provides tremendous regeneration. You dont need that miserable regen from Tree of Life even!